Chapter 5

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A large brick building in the afternoon. Out in the desert. Many parents are here to pick up their children from the training.

MEHI: RIYADH! Where are you? Oh gods, no-

RIYADH: What are you talking about, MEHI? I'm right here.

MEHI: Oh thank goodness, sis! I've missed you. Let's go home.


The two walk home in silence. They enter their tent.

RIYADH: MEHI, guess what?

MEHI: What is it?

RIYADH: Today I learned a traditional dance from the worshippers of Ajuhd! Watch!

RIYADH gracefully moves her arms around in circles. Turning on one foot, SHE winks at MEHI. Kicks in the air, extends her arms. Making flowers from her hands, trees from her waist, rivers from her legs. MEHI watches... SHE starts to cry. RIYADH immediately stops dancing.

RIYADH: MEHI! What happened? Why are you crying? Oh no, don't cry. Please don't cry. Please...

MEHI: My baby. They're taking her. Away, away, away.

RIYADH: MEHI! What did you say? What baby? Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry. Do you want a cloth? Water? My doll? Marbles? I can borrow some-

MEHI grabs RIYADH's face and holds it near.

MEHI: All I need is you. I'm so proud of you, you know that? Come here, I should be worrying about you. Come, come.

RIYADH: Don't cry, don't cry. You can't cry. No, no, no, no cry. No...

RIYADH begins to sob.

RIYADH: No Mommy. No Daddy. No aunties or uncles. Grandmas or grandpas. Nobody, nobody, nobody. You and dolly and kitty and me. No friends. No cry, no cry.

MEHI grabs RIYADH as tight as SHE can. THEY both cry together in a tight bundle of sadness.

-end of chapter 5-

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