【Shouto Todoroki】

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In another life, I would be your girl.. I would be the one who'll wake up next to you, your crying shoulder.. your lover


Life just won't be simple.. will it?

Her eyes looking at the floor.. void of life and hope.

It feels like yesterday when she once kissed his lips, under the rain.. the coldness not bothering the heat and the fire of passion in their individual chests, promising an eternal love..

But she's dead wrong with that..

A dry chuckle left her parched and pale lips as she remembers the time when the boy she loves so much-Shouto Todoroki walks into her life again.. yet in a different role.

Not as her lover.. anymore.

She could only look at him and his new lover, Momo walked past her. His eyes didn't even bother looking at her as if she's invisible.

Did he suffer amnesia?

Will she consider it one when once his eyes landed on hers, widened a fraction, and looks away?

She spits out something metallic from her mouth, grimacing at the putrid taste. She looks from afar.. remembering their prom, where he kissed Momo under the gazebo. Snapping and killing the life source within her breaking form.

That should be her, right?

Why did this happen anyways? What happened first before this nightmare haunted her sleeping and waking hours?

They were just as fine as it used to be until that dreadful night..

Her parents were outnumbered by the villains, ended up being ripped away from their only daughter before she even made it to their home from school, only to nearly lose her sanity.. thanks to Todoroki, she's still sane.

But that night as well as the time where the male, out of nowhere decided to call her through her phone.

" Let's severe what we have between us.. " his cold tone drives a shiver through her spine, " all of that was just out of... fun.. "

And she was never given a chance to respond nor ask why as the male already ended the call, broke his sim after since she can no longer call him back.

And that was their last encounter..

And the last time she ever felt happiness.

Her eyes immediately land on a certain person who finally emerges from the dark, nearing her beaten and tied up form.

" Are you perhaps done with the mourning? " Dabi mocked, only to be answered by silence.

He growls and jabs her stomach, earning a pained moan, and series of coughing followed after, blood thickly spewing out from her lips. Her vision blurring for a couple of seconds..

Is this how she's gonna die? The same cause why her parents left her to fend for herself?

Satisfied, he smirked and motions his hand.. one person pushes some apparatuses, a camera, two televisions, and some cords, and various electronic devices.

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