Chapter 1

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Long ago dragons and humans coexisted. They lived peacefully side-by-side. However, one unspoken rule existed between the two; no cross breeding. And all, but one couple adhered to that rule. A dragon male mated with a human female. Their love was shunned and looked down upon by the rest of the world. No one understood how such a love could bloom. Nowadays, descendants of the first dragon-human hybrids are nothing more than a folklore. But they are, in fact, real.

"Dad, I've heard this so many times! I want something else!" Park Jimin, 5 years old, complained.

It was late at night; his father was tired and all he wanted was to finish their nightly routine with a bedtime story.

"You've been telling me this story since I was little." The little boy protested, undoing his covers with little kicks and getting up to stand on top of the mattress, balancing his light weight on a pair of tired legs.

"Jimin, I know you don't like to hear it, but it's important for you to understand that no one-"

"Can know we exist; that dragons are real. I know, dad. I won't tell anyone." The black-haired boy smiled brightly, grinning with all his teeth showing proudly.

Park Jimin is one of the few dragon hybrids alive today. His mother passed away shortly after giving birth to him. Holding her newborn in her arms; she smiled down at him warmly, saying she was feeling tired and closed her fatigued eyes, never waking up afterwards, even as her baby lay on her chest crying.

Jimin has no memory of her and so doesn't miss her much. Sometimes he wished he had a mom like the other kids when they got picked up from the playground. But he didn't complain; he's been living peacefully with his father in a modest house; alone but comfortable. It was all he knew.

It was all he knew, which is exactly what made tomorrow, and therefore tonight, all the more exciting; tomorrow is Jimin's first day of school. The small dragon boy jumped up and down on his bed in anticipation.

"Jimin, you need to sleep or else you'll be too tired for your big day tomorrow." His father tried convincing the enthusiastic boy to go to bed.

"Promise you'll tell me a different bedtime story tomorrow night?" He asked, scrambling back under the covers.

"Yes, promise. Now go to bed, my little monster." He gave his son a kiss on his forehead, ruffling his hair. "Want me to keep the lights on?"

"Dad~ I'm not a baby anymore." Jimin rolled his eyes at the question as his father switched off the light, laughing soundlessly to himself.

"I love you, son."

"Love you too, dad." The raven-haired smiled heartily.

But his father's face saddened as soon as Jimin was out of sight. The boy's teeth were growing in. Two long, canine-like teeth began to jut out. Not to mention his body was growing too; soon he will crave to hunt. For now, he's going to have to start grinding his teeth. It was a painful process; grinding dragon teeth to keep them from protruding. Everything to keep his appearance as human as possible and to suppress the dragon growing within him.

First Day of School

Jimin was excited for school, to say the least of it. Despite only being able to fall asleep late last night, he got up as early as possible, even chasing his dad out of bed just to get ready and walk to the bus stop. Nevermind the bus only coming in half an hour, the black-haired child couldn't contain his motivation.

"Jimin, remember, don't-"

"Let them know we're dragons, I know." The young one repeated for the nth time this morning. His concentration was clearly elsewhere. He just didn't understand why his dad was so insistent about this topic.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2019 ⏰

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