Chapter 3 Saving The Emerald

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Everyone ran after Gabe in fear. Landon, Declan, Cameron, and Johnathon knew that he was a really good warrior because his father trained him well. They also knew that Gabe has never been in a real deadly battle. Gabe is probably going to be doomed. Landon, Jonathan, Cameron, and Declan took a step back in disbelief. Gabe took down ten bats in a minute. Now that is a record for Gabe." Dude that was amazing, but there's one thing you forgot to do when battling.......destroy everyone," cried Jonathan. They all started punching and kicking and slicing." This is not going to turn out good." Landon said" I have an idea! Jonathan, Declan well distract the bats by showing them that there mother needs them. Wile you guys sneak in quietly and stiffly to get the emerald then sneak out. Gabe and I will be outside. Now hurry!!," Declan went on one side and Jonathan

went on the other. Declan and Jonathon saw the light of the emerald shining like cake. Declan grabbed the emerald and ran, with Jonathan behind him. They made it half way to the entrance but what was stopping them looked like the mother bat." I've read in a story that the only weakness the mother bat has is big bright light, Landon toss the Loner Light," said Jonathon. He tossed it and pointed the light straight at the bats eyes. The mother bat fell so did all the others. They ran out of the cave back into the jungle. Landon took a step back. " Maybe we can take this bat medallion it seems like it's the only thing that controls the bats," Landon picked it up put it in his right hand. Then they all took off.

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