8: Saying Goodbye To Derry

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The water was freezing, and Richie instantly felt it in his bones as he crashed through the surface. He shut his eyes tight, and tried not to think too much about what he was doing to himself. He felt himself plunging through the water as the weights overtook his feet and pulled him downwards. He was already struggling to hold his breath for much longer, and it was uncomfortable. But nothing could measure up to the amount of pain he had already endured. He was tired now. Richie continued to sink into the depths of the water, and his body began to struggle. It was difficult for him not to take a deep breath in, but his body needed him to. 

He stayed in the water with his thoughts, trying to ignore his body telling him to get back up to the surface for air. He could only think of Eddie. A few uncomfortable moments passed, and Richie was still in the water. He finally fell into a deep unconsciousness.

Suddenly, Richie was disturbed by something that came crashing into the water beside him. He opened his eyes suddenly in confusion, but he only saw the darkness of the water surrounding him. It wasn't until he felt his ankles being freed from the weights below him that he realised Beverly might have found him, and he began to resist the help. He tried pushing her away from him, but she was too strong. He felt himself being pushed upwards through the surface of the water again, and he spluttered and choked as he felt air filling his lungs again. 
He splashed his hands about as he tried to fight whoever was saving him, until he saw a blurry shape appear from the water in front of him. "Here, I found your glasses" he heard coming from the shape. The voice sounded far too deep and masculine to be Beverly. 
Richie slowly took his glasses from the blur in front of him, and watched the world around him begin to fade back into focus again. 

"Eds?" he whispered. He rubbed his eyes with one hand, trying to tread water at the same time. "I always hated it when you called me that" Eddie replied with a smile. Richie couldn't believe it.
"But... But you're.." He replied in shock as he continued splashing about. He had always been a horrible swimmer.
"It's okay Richie. You're here for real now" Eddie reassured him. He moved closer and placed Richie's arm over his shoulder to guide him over to shallow water. Finally Richie was able to pull himself along in the shallows, and was able to stand up now that the water was knee-deep. He stood for a while, silently looking at Eddie as he helped himself to his feet. 
"Eds... I don't understand..." Richie managed as he spat some dirty water out of his mouth.
"It's okay Rich. You're free now" Eddie reassured him again. He looked up at Richie with warmth, and smiled softly at him. Richie had suddenly realised where he was and what was happening now, but he took a few moments to process it himself. He turned to look at Eddie again.
"Am I?..." he asked quietly. Eddie took him warmly by the hand, and nodded.
"Holy shit" Richie whispered to himself. His clothes were already bone dry, as were Eddies. 

They turned to look out over the quarry together, still holding hands. The water was totally calm, and a warm sunlight bounced off of it's surface. There were no birds, no wind, no rain. There was only Richie and Eddie, standing together in the stillness of the water.
Richie turned to Eddie once again, and took his other hand. "Eddie, I have something to tell you"
But Eddie simply smiled at him. "I know" he replied "I love you too". Richie looked down at Eddie with tears filling his eyes again. "You do?" he asked, his voice broke a little as he was overcome with emotions all over again. Eddie simply nodded at him quietly, and smiled warmly again. "Oh Eds" he sighed, still filled with emotions. He finally knew what it was like to love someone so much, and finally have them love him back.

Eddie looked at Richie straight in the eye, he looked serious all of a sudden "Would you stop calling me Eds for fuck sake" he huffed. But Richie could only laugh at him. He had missed Eddie so much. "I'm serious man! I really hate it!" Eddie said again. 
"Come here you dipshit" Richie replied as he grabbed Eddie by the t-shirt. Eddie stumbled forwards as Richie pulled him close, and he wrapped his arms around Richie's waist to balance himself. Richie looked fondly down at him once again, "I really need to tell you something though Eds" he said seriously. Eddie looked up at him quietly, preparing himself for what Richie was about to say next. It seemed important to him. "What?" Eddie asked.
Richie looked down at him again as he chuckled to himself proudly, the twinkle in his eye had returned, and that mischievous grin he used to have spread across his face once more. Eddie saw the grin and immediately knew, "Don't" he said and grimaced. Richie gave him a gentle squeeze, sighed a deep content sigh, and eventually broke his silence...
"I fucked your mom" he sniggered to himself.

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