Part 11

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Thomas's pov:

Now arriving at the 'mushy room' we meaning Minho and I without a warning at all. We were tackled to the ground literally with hugs from Frypan, Jorge and Brenda while Gally was off in the corner like he usually is. Now it's to face the truth...the truth that we can't be together as we have been the last 3 years. Miss Campbell informed us. Realising it now I have a family like an actual family, parents and friends that love me and have been searching for me. In my old life, I may have had a girlfriend even though I love Teresa....loved Teresa there might have been somebody else I loved in the exact same way and that itself scares me.

Shucked from my thoughts again like seriously what is up with me and my thoughts today again not the points. Jorge quickly grabs my attention again "Hey..Hey Hermano you okay the soldiers filled us in with what's going on and that you and Minho will be going somewhere else....that maybe we umm that nosotros no seremos una familia....but we can still contact each other right!" And fondly pat me on the back.

Shaking away my lingering thoughts about 'Nosotros no seremos una familia' (we won't be a family) and gets back to the conversation "yeah, yeah we're always gonna be a family" I replied to Jorge he gives me a bright smile "Enough with all this sadness it's time we have una fiesta y celebrar are time together and make the most of it" he shouts joyfully Frypan, Gally and Minho go over to the bar to which surprisingly is fully stocked with different ranges of alcoholic drinks to uplifting the sad reality of life.

Brenda slowly pulls me into a side hug and laughs along with what the others were saying and she turns to face me while grabbing my shoulders firmly "Look at me, we're going to be okay....I promise we're just going to get use to not hearing your annoying voices that's all" she says jokingly "Thomas have you ever heard the saying es lo que es aceptarlo y seguiradelante it means its is what it is accept it and move on' I'm telling you to forget about us or to stop worrying I'm telling you to trust us and hope that we'll meet again" she gives me a reassuring squeeze and shouts while walking to the bar "Whisky or vodka Thomas 'cuz either way we're hitting it hard" a shake my head and chuckle I guess whatever the future holds for us it we gonna take with are heads held high because nothings going to stop we're a force to be reckoned with.

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