Close Encounter with...Death?

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A/N: The mc is a custom monster type, known as a nymph, she specifically, however, was previously a wandering nature spirit.

Primrose sat on her knees in her garden, a small white rose cupped in her hands. She willed it to bloom completely, the snowy petals opening up, only to fade into a very pale shade of pink at the very center. She smiled softly, to herself more than anyone, and set the small bud down in front of her.

She pressed her palm to the dirt and watched as it sprouted a stem and curved ever so gently towards her. Another successful flower to add to her garden among the masses that were already there. She got ready to stand, glancing up momentarily to see quite the odd sight.

A skeleton, clearly taller than her dressed in robes as black as night with a thick rope tied around his waist and neck, a skull clasp at the base of his throat stood over her. His face was hooded, but it didn't exactly stop her from seeing him clearly. He appeared a tad bit impatient about the entire ordeal, though it was hard to tell.

Primrose stood with the sweep of her own knee-length cloak, white as snow and fastened to one side with a small golden flower. She was careful of her flowers as she took a step towards him before asking uncertainly. "May I help you?"

Her voice was gentle, yet still questioning as she sized him up. He didn't exactly look very friendly...

"you looked busy," he replied casually. She glanced around at her garden for a moment before fixing her gaze back to him, pouting her lips a bit in the process. "anyways, I'm here to reap your soul or whatever, don't try to resi-"

"Did I do something wrong?" Was the first question that escaped her mouth. She tilted her head to the side a bit. It was a completely innocent question- at least to her, it was. Did she really do something that deserved punishment, though?

His expression turned from boredom to mildly startled but then softened as he spoke again, his tone a bit more hesitant now.

"uh, no, uh- not exactly, kiddo, just's my job, ya know? and, well, you're next on the list... i think." He drew a few papers from the folds of his robe and shuffled through them, eyeing the bottom of one of them before reading aloud. "is, uh, your name rose amaryllis?"

"No, my name is...Primrose, yes, Primrose Dreemurr."

The look on his face was- ah, how do you say it? Priceless?

"dreemurr? as in...are you...king asgore's daughter...?"

She aggressively shook her head. Toriel told her to never speak of Asgore. Her questions about the king remained unanswered, but she respected her mother and didn't like to pry about it. "No, mother never speaks of King Asgore. Toriel is...quite repulsed by him, actually."

"tori?!" He asked. She nodded in response, playing with a lock of silky auburn hair as she looked him over up and down for the second time. He looked...oddly familiar. She heard a description that matched him quite well. "What's your name?" She asked for confirmation of her theory.

"sans the skeleton, god of death, reaper of souls, at your service." His tone was rather bland in her opinion, half-annoyed and almost bored as he spouted his title. Primrose tilted her head again before straightening, a ghost of a smile pulling at her lips.

"Well, it's nice to meet you... Sans," she said politely. She was confused, but she was also raised with manners.

He stayed quiet for a bit before responding.

"uh, you don't usually say nice to meet you to a guy who tried to reap your soul, but uh, nice to meet you too?" He sounded hesitant to reply, as if he wasn't really spoken to politely before. She couldn't blame anyone, he was the god of death, after all.

"Listen, kid, I gotta go now- tell Toriel I said hi, these souls aren't gonna reap themselves." He said with a laugh. She giggled at his joke before cutting herself off. She watched as he turned to leave, massive, jet-black wings sprouting from his shoulders as he got ready for flight.

"Wait!" She cried, ducking down momentarily to carefully pluck the white rose she had grown previously. Sans turned to look at her with an eyebrow raised(?).

She took a step towards him and held the flower out. "I want you to take this. Your outfit needs more color- hold on-" She fixed the thing to the rope around his waist before straightening. An odd fashion statement, but a fashion statement for sure. "There! Now you don't look as... monochrome."

He smiled ever so slightly before spreading his wings again. "thanks, kiddo, i'll make sure to try and keep it alive."

Those were his final words before he took off to the skies with a silent beat of his wings. She had to wonder if she'd ever meet him again.

More importantly, however, was that she had to get home in time for dinner before Toriel came to hunt her down.

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