•Chapter 6•

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•Matt’s POV•

I tossed the empty ravioli can into the trash with a smooth flick of my wrist, as if scoring a basket. With a turn, I dragged out my violet backpack. Unzipping the pouches, I set it’s contents neatly in the cramped closet. 
Then I proceeded to fill the bag with ammo and water for a short excursion. Selecting items that would prove to be useful if the moment revealed itself. A flashlight for hidden and unexplored areas, a compass if we found ourselves lost, et cetera. As I closed up my supplies, I noticed Edd across the room, currently refilling Ringo's food and water dishes. 
Edd filled her water bowl with half a bottle of water. The other with a scoop of stale, dry, cat food, it was as good as we could find. I studied the room, Ringo was inspecting the crooked dresser curiously. With a grin, I joined Ringo and gave her a soft pat on the head. I drew open the dresser and she leaped inside with a roaring purr. I chortled and scritched her chin, she brushed her muzzle against my fingers affectionately. Then, I caught a glimpse of something from the corner of my eye. A delicately folded slip of paper rested in the far corner of the drawer.

I plucked the thin sheet from its place. It was worn down as if it had been here for ages, so I was careful when unfolding it. Ringo observed patiently with a curious “Purreow?”

“Hey, Edd, do you know what this is?”

Edd completed his task and bent down at my side. I held it up and he took it within his smaller hands. He squinted down at the assortment of numbers.

“I think it’s a couple of phone numbers but, there’s nothing else written.” He turned the paper in his hands before folding it back up. Sliding the paper into his back jean pocket. 

“Perhaps there’s a working phone booth we could use to call them!” I smile, if there are survivors on the other line we may find somewhere we can settle safely. Edd would be overjoyed if we encountered more people!

We continued to prepare for our trip back to our van. I collected my AK-47, a few clips of ammunition, and a rusty metal pole I had found on the floor downstairs. Edd had no clue why I had taken it but, I deemed it would make a great melee weapon. I slang my bag over my shoulder. I felt prepared for anything!

We set off on a long trek once again. Along the way, we examined each car thoroughly. We would have definitely taken a car to make our travels much safer and faster. However, they were all completely out of commission.

A brash sigh escaped my lips as I crossed my arms, I had imagined the zombie apocalypse was supposed to be entertaining. Like the movies, with explosions and valiant fights and stuff. Except it's not like that at all! We’re just expanding inventory and walking around. This sucks!


After what seemed like eons, we eventually plopped in front of our flipped car. We were absolutely exhausted, the walk back here dragged on and on, despite our light baggage. When we weren’t jogging we were walking with a fleet pace to cut some time. We were expecting to get here by noon but we encountered a couple of zombies. Thankfully, they were nothing too large for us to handle and we made it about an hour after our estimated arrival.

Edd stood and clutched the handles to the back doors of the vehicle. He yanked them open to reveal a trunk full of supplies. It’s all here! It’s a mess, but it’s all here!!

I turned to Edd with a giddy smile but he seemed glum? Almost as if he had wished for the car to be empty.

I pondered on this for a moment. If all of our stuff was exactly how we had left it, that meant that no survivors had come by here in two days. We’re really the last ones?

We loaded our arms with duffle bags full of our belongings, or belongings we had scavenged from others. We dragged out a cooler with wheels. It didn’t have anything in it at the moment so it was pretty light. Even so, I’m so glad it had wheels! We began dragging our stuff back home when I heard a... huff? Was that the van?

Edd didn't seem to notice as I whirled around. A large canine-like creature padded right up to the vehicle. The same beast that had saved us at the gas station a few days ago. I could feel his strong gaze pierce my soul as he swung his head to face me. It made me jump as I stared into its eyeless voids.

I was not prepared for this.

My feet were glued in place, by now Edd had noticed I wasn’t walking with him anymore. He paused and glanced over his shoulder. 

“Matt? What’s the holdu- ohh…!” 

At that moment, I couldn’t risk letting my guard down in front of a potential enemy. I bent down somewhat and dropped the duffle bags I had been holding. As the blood drained from my face my hand reached towards the AK-47 on my back, my hand ready to pull it over and fire. 

The monster padded forwards and took a seat in front of the car. It’s tail curling around its paws in a calm manner. Its ears stretched above the flipped van even while sitting. Each breath filled its deep lungs with ease, and you could see the ripple of the monster's muscles. I couldn’t imagine how much it weighed, that thing could crush a bus with a swat I bet.

After a moment of unbroken silence. I allowed my hand to fall, it seemingly looked at us with no intention to attack. Besides if it wanted us dead it would have killed us already. It wouldn't be hard for it to find us, he could probably smell us from a mile away. Even if we tried to get away it would most definitely outrun us.

The beast let out a small huff as it took another moment to look us up and down. 

Maybe it was hungry? I pulled my bag over my shoulder-



I jumped and I swear I did a flip or something. I landed on the ground with a thunk and my emerald eyes snapped open, wide with surprise. My head whipped towards the origin of the shot and I saw Edd wielding his pistol. By the look of Edd’s expression, he hadn’t intended to fire the gun.

Wait- who screamed after the shot? It was a deep guttural yelp. It surely wasn’t Edd and it wasn’t me…

I shifted my attention to the monster, who seemed just as startled as me, a smoking pit in the van next to its head. 

“You spoke!!!”

//Thank you for your patience!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter even though it was a bit short. If you have any, I am completely open to constructive criticism and ideas!

Thank you for reading this messy explanation and putting up with my absurd uploading schedule.

Have a wonderful day/night!//

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