Gone, Not Forgotten

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I awoke to the sound of nothing, just nothing as if the silence held such power. Power beyond anyone's control, power in which I couldn't change. The silence whispered something, a silent wake up reached my ears. I swallowed, realizing I was awake and felt like myself.

I cleared my vision, my dried rough hands coming up to my eyes.

Something is not right.

I blink, the dark decayed ceiling coming into view. This wasn't my place, not the place I stayed at, not Susan's home. Susan? The mention of name blurred my mind, who was she? What did she do?

My body jerked upright on its own. I looked down at the white gown I wore, the fabric so soft and silk against my pale skin. I begin to look around at my surroundings, the bed spread a velvety red with gold ends but the floors and walls and ceilings were old and out of place or touch as it seems. I rushed to my feet, a mistake when I almost fell over before clutching onto the bed.

Something is not right

My hair pulls forward, a bright red orange color. I stand up straight and touch it as if it's fake, it's not and I know it's my hair. I swallow, the silence around me grows into a hum of some sort. I let out a breath, it creates smoke but the temperature of the room is hot and musty. I move my feet, turning my body to look around at the only colored thing in the room which is the bed. There are no doors, no windows, it's like a jail. A place stuck in the back of my mind with just one touch of something, a memory. The bed, it was a memory and it's the only place left to hold onto those memories.

This is where I belong trapped away in a prison because of all the bad I'd done and soon, soon I'd have to live an infinite death because of it. I belonged here but why? What did I do wrong in this world?

I looked down at my hands out in front of me, the veins visible and filled with darkness and power. Just like the silence, beyond my control now because I've manipulated it. I closed my eyes for a second, letting out a short breath this time and something clicks. A door comes open in front of me.

I move toward it, a bright unbearable light seeps through as if to blind on purpose. I reach out for it and it feels like nothing until I began to step through, it pulls me in and swallows me whole and for a minute I think I'm gone until it fades to nothingness.

It's a bathroom. Clean and white and red, like the bed I layed in. I move back to the door and look out into the old room, my memories are gone. The bed has completely disappeared and now it's just an old worn out one with ripped sheets and broken boards underneath the dirty mattress.

This still isn't right

Why does it feel like I'm not myself? The thoughts roaming through my head aren't my own, they're someone else's. I swallow down the pain I feel even as I'm not hurting, there's no pain only silence and yet still as non violent as that is I can still feel it. I back away from the door not prepared for what I'll see myself as. The mirror comes into view out of the corner of my left eye. My red hair stares back at me, something urges me to turn and face myself and that's what I do.


It's not me, it's not me. I pull on my hair, tugging the roots and pull my hands down the front of my face. This is me, this is who I am. I'm-

The lights flicker, my head begins to pound and the high pitched screening begins in my ears again just like every other time I've been to this same place. And every time my heart beats and my veins darken, I begin to feel like the world outside of me is spinning. My hands come up to my ears, I close them with my fingers even as there's no sound, I squeeze my eyes shut bracing for the same thing to happen. The same person to take hold of this body, I'll be gone and this body, this vessel will be theirs. It will be the demons, the darkness that flows through my every vein that waits to be awakened and now it is.

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