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As soon as I crossed the street striding into the parking lot toward the check in part of the building, it begun to rain. The quiet thunder rolled in and the small droplets of water had fell onto my skin, my jacket and the ground. Everything else seemed to stay dry, and if this shield could stop the debris from harming me why couldn't it stop the rain?

The dark clouds began to roll in as well, they formed a large bed in the sky. I stood there watching as they moved slowly not having any sense of direction but still they formed together. Like the night I saw my Dad bring Mom home from the woods, the worst nightmare of them all.

The hotel was exactly the same as the last one, I didn't care about that at all though. Having a place to stay was way more important than figuring out which ones are five stars and which aren't. Besides, as soon as I walked through the doors and toward the desk the weather outside had begun to turn for the worst. It started pouring, the rain drenched everything now.

"Hi" someone made their way through the door that lead to the back of the office.

"Hi, can I have just one room for a night or two?" I give him my best smile but it doesn't seem to stick. He clears his throat and reaches under his counter for something, a paper to fill out.

I do fill it out and as soon as I'm done, I give the money, grab the key from the counter and leave quickly. I could still feel his dreary eyes on me, like an owl watching and waiting for something to happen. I fixed my hood more over my head and ran until I found the room with the number on my key. 326

I push it into the knob and hurried into the room completely alone now and away from the outside world. I closed the door being sure to lock it before I looked around at the room, it was small as known for one person. The bed was a queen that seemed to grow the more I'd gotten too it, the covers were red. They reminded me of the dream I had just the other night, I removed my jacket and bag throwing them on the bed before I moved to another part of the room. There was a tv mounted on top of the dark wooded dresser, I wasn't really much of a tv person but I guess it could help with the weather and keeping track of the traffic and things like destruction my enemies could cause.

Since the last incident at Susan's house, I haven't felt the pull of anything. Maybe just some suspicion just to be cautiouness about the things I do and people I see, even as I was trying my best to be a regular I still remembered my title. I was Zoe Hyland, a gifted hybrid unfortunate enough to gain control over darkness.

There was a remote sitting by the phone on the nightstand near the bed and I picked it up to turn on the tv so I could drown out the rain and my thoughts before I'd fully relax.

The weather channel came straight on,

It looks like the rain will continue to move in from the south until later tonight, everyone should stay warm and stay dry

I turned down the volume, I had things to do and the rain wasn't going to stop me. Might as well get this trip done and over with now before I do anything else. Without taking off my shoes, I grabbed my bag and pulled out the money I had from my parents. The money I'd been using this whole time even though I know it's not good, what else should I do with it? Why else would they leave it with me? As if they knew, Mom knew, that I'd need it someday and those days started as soon as I'd left the house.

Mom, if you could hear me please help me find a way to stay safe. A way to head in the right direction and do whatever it is I was put here to do

I sent a silent message to her in my head, I feel as if speaking out loud won't do the trick. But I hope she hears me, I hope she and Hades hears me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2019 ⏰

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