Waking Up

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I'd awoken the next morning with nothing but dreadful thoughts of my past.

Why my parents chose to ship me here in the first place? If I'd really deserved to be blessed with the gift of a werewolf? If I've been truly honest with myself and moving forward into something that probably won't work with Xander?

My parents

Somehow and some way I really wish they wouldn't have sent me here in the first place but on the other hand I am glad they did. I've learned and I've lost and I've gained but there's still something that seems to be missing. I should call them and talk to them but what would I say?

Hey guys, I miss you even though I don't want to admit it because you guys shipped me here and it turned out to be the best thing but also the worse. Also, why can't you guys except me?

I shake my head and turn over to the right side of my bed. It's more colder since I hadn't layed here all night, my eyes scan the sorta big room and land on the bathroom. Did I open it last night? Why is the door wide open?

I sit up fully, my neck feels like someone stepped on it so I strain. The pain makes me wince and I rub the back of it under my hair with my left hand, I close my eyes. I wish Zoe was here and she could take the pain away with just the touch of her hand.

Theres alot she could do and it's one of the reasons I think everyone needs her around here.

I move to the edge of the bed and let my legs fall to the rugged floor. I closed my eyes and my ears begin to move, the sounds of talking had been picked up from downstairs. Or were they outside? I couldn't tell. I stood, making my way slowly around the bed and toward the open bathroom to freshen up a bit. The mirror came into view, I looked completely fine but I didn't feel fine. I felt drained, wasted and not myself. I wasn't sure anyone was still themselves in this house.

I grabbed my tooth brush and filled it with toothpaste before I brushed my teeth. The fangs begun to grow in my fronts, they brung pain and was a pain in the ass when I slept at night. I looked at myself in the mirror again, I could see my sharp teeth begin to show through my mouth and my eyes which seemed more round and brighter than before. I pulled my hair back into a ponytail and left the bathroom.

After getting dress in some shorts and a big tshirt, I made my way to the door and out into the quiet hall. There was not a person insight until I heard talking coming up the stairs. I noticed the voices to be Grace and Will then I smelled something, toasted bagels and eggs. I swallowed down the hunger I felt in my stomach

"Hey Mia, hows it going?" Will spoke first, his turquiose eyes landed on mine. He squints.

"Woah your eyes, is there a full moon soon?" He elbows Grace but she shakes her head.

"No, it's just my eyes Will" I smile at his embarrassment as he tries to hide it with a hand through his hair. I pat his chest when I walk pass them both.

"Oh Susan said to make sure you were okay that's why we came up here but we're going to chill in my room, wanna join?" Grace asked but I shake my head.

"Nah, I'll catch you guys later" I tell them before heading down the stairs. I could still hear them talk.

"She misses her friend, you think she cares about a full moon right now?" Grace spat, her tone on edge.

"Yeah, don't we all?"

He was right, we all did. She was like the highlight of the house, now she's not here but her Dad is which makes things better but also worse. I just hope he'll be okay when he wakes.

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