[02] Tease.

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The boys made an agreement to get there for 11. He wanted me to come along to his photoshoot and interview- I guess you could say his moral support.

I wander around the room, picking out clothes I could wear. I eventually decide on tight black leather jeans that hugged me in all the right places and a white, sheer loose fitting shirt. Some of it buttoned down showing a little cleavage.

My hair has slight waves and my makeup natural but a little eyeliner on the waterline to make my eye colour pop.

I walk into the bathroom, beginning to put my cooled curlers away. Harry takes the towel away from his face and looks at me in disbelief. His hair sticks up in all different places, the ends still having tiny droplets of water falling off.

He stands there for a few minutes just admiring my body and the way the clothes emphasize my features. His eyes were hungry for me and he wasn't good at hiding it.


"Bloody hell!" Harry licks his bottom lip.

I look away, occupied with attempting to shut the top drawer of the cabinet that was already full with stuff I can't be bothered to sort out. Harry's eyes don't leave my body.

"You look... hot" I smirk at his comment. He said it under his breath, I'm turning him on and he doesn't want to admit it.

"Oh yeah?" I step forward, my hands rest on his shoulder giving them a soft rub. His head falls back a little as I begin to losen the knots in his muscles. I lean forwards pressing my lips against his then pulling away for shorter pecks. I smile through the short kiss pulling away at an instant. I don't want Harry to be getting too keen so quickly.

"I'll be waiting in the kitchen for you"

I turn on my heel, heading for the bathroom door suddenly feeling a grip around my waste. I gasp at the quick change in position from what I was previously in but mangae to free myself before he tried anything else.

"Ah no, control yourself," my hands rests on his chest to keep us at a distance from eachother.

"The interview can wait" he groans impatiently.

How horny is he going to get already? I only put on some clothes.

"No, it can't. The boys are going to be waiting for you!"

I lean in to give him a final kiss before making my way to the kitchen. "You have 10 minutes before we leave," I could hear him huff in frustration.

The car journey was quiet, I could feel the sexual tension that Harry and I had, and it is quite amusing to see. This is going to be a long day. He rested a hand on my thigh the whole time, hoping that he'll notice his wants.

We finally arrive, I walk in the boys all glancing up at Harry and me.

"You look fit," Niall admits in disbelief. Harry thumps him up the back of his head from his remark. I giggle at the childish play between the both of them.

"Wow, you're done already? I had a bet with Liam you were going to be later," my eyes widen at what Louis is about to say.

"Louis... no" I snap at him, he closes his parted lips. Knowing that he won't darw to say anything else.

We all wait around for the boy's call to go on set. I could feel Harry's eyes on me as I made small talk with each of the boys.

"Boys!" The director calls them onto the shoot, he quickly hurries off with a clipboard in hand not giving any further details. They ran a tight schedule around here so I just knew Harry had no time to waste today. Harry gives me a glare like he knows exactly what I'm doing. He shakes his head at me, following the boys. I watch from the sidelines making my way slowly to the front.

My intentions begin. I start to flirt with some of the workers as they stand and watch the boys too. One of them made me laugh, I could feel Harry burning holes into me as his eyes got angrier.

"Hello trouble, I can tell what you're doing. Taking a brave turn I see," Louis walks over after they finished on set, slinging his arm over my shoulder. I hum a laugh, Harry staring at me so intently that I can feel my body heat up and my cheeks become flustered.

Niall comes up to me shortly after handing me some water, I thank him. Liam soon following behind and standing infront of the three of us. "Any occasion why you're dressed like that" I smirk as I thought to myself why I am wearing this.

"Unless you want it to be," I smile innocently. Raising my voice so I can be clearly heard. I look over at Harry to give him a wink.

"She's just trying to create an uprise, looks like she's doing it right" the boys all look over to Harry. His excitement is clearly visible.

I hollow out my cheek with my tongue smiling back at him. I go to take a sip of my water but proposely spill it onto the sheer blouse I'm wearing. "Oh shit," I mutter, catching the attention from all the boys.

They stood their stunned at what they're looking at, I follow their eyes to the wet material clinging to my skin that they were entertaining themselves with. As the liquid spreads it makes my shirt more transparent and reveals almost everything.

I look back up to Harry, "oops, I'm all dirty," I stare at him blankly.

Suddenly the situation got cut off by a loud voice. "Boys!" The small man with the clipboard appears again, glancing over at the boys in a little huddle surrounding me. "Interview in 5 minutes,"

They all nod, hurrying away with their heads down after they realised what had just happened. Niall slaps my ass on the way out, I let out a little squeal and look back to see Harry still having that intimidating glare.

Most of the room is closed off, I sit behind the crew in perfect view of Harry. I give it a few minutes before I start taunting him. I make dirty hand gestures and roll my eyes back the way I do when he pleasures me. It helped that he had a perfect view of my soaked shirt.

I chuckle when he's shifts uncomfortably in his chair glaring back at me now and again. Liam starts smiling in the chair behind Harry as he catches on to what my plan is.

The interviewer calls cut, the boys are free to go. Harry hurries off, storming over to my direction.

"Let's go, now!" he growls and grabs my hand. He drags me into an empty dressing room slamming it behind us, pushing me up against it whilst he turns the lock. His hand reached up to my neck, putting pressure on either side. I could feel myself becoming light-headed but that won't hold me back.

"Whats that, huh? You think that was funny?" He scrunched the wet material of my shirt in his fists also bringing me closer to his face.

I grab his wrist that scrunched the material easily pulling it away. I chuckle in his face, putting my thumb and index finger together just showing a little bit of space inbetween. "A little funny don't you think?... just a smidge," I squint to egg him on even more.

"You're not helping yourself y/n" he cocks his head to a side. "Drop that attitude or i will rail it the fuck out of you,"

I look him up and down, my eyes growing soft as I stare into his green orbs. "Ok" I say bluntly.

As i patiently wait for his reaction, the door suddenly knocks and a thick Yorkshire accent following afterwards. "Harry they want us to reshoot some other bits, why don't you hand y/n over to me," I can tell he has a smirk on his face behind the door.

"Not fucking funny Louis!" I can hear Louis feet patter as he rushes off with a burst of laughter knowing Harry will have him if he carries on.

"Well looks like you've got duties to attend," Harry finally releases his grip on my throat. I grab the door handle still facing Harry from my front. I stist the lock managing to open it fully, putting my hand out so he can walk out onto the open hallway back to the boys.

"Ladies first,"

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