[04] Jealous.

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"Shit, I forgot the milk!" I turn to Harry as those words came out of my mouth. I look down at our collection of items that would be our weekly shop.

"I'll get it, love. Stay here," Harry wanders off to the back aisles where the milk was stored. The male cashier gives me a weird smirk rubbing his crotch as he starts scanning our items.

"Hello gorgeous," he gives me a grin, I look at him disgusted.

"With all respect, don't call me that!" I plead nicely, not wanting to cause a stir.

Harry comes back shortly with 2 pints of milk, he looks at the cashier up and down noticing how uncomfortable I look. The cashier keeps trying to get my attention, not wanting to alert Harry.

"That'll be £28.49," Harry comes up behind you, gripping onto my waist as I swipe my card on the machine. He smirks, licking his bottom lip, his eyes look at me up and down.

"That's enough mate! You're disgusting. You don't think I see you eyeing up my girlfriend and getting turned on by her!" Harry's fists clench, his knuckles turning white.

I place my hands on Harry's chest to prevent him from getting closer to the cashier "babe calm down, we're leaving now anyway,"

I push Harry ahead of me. The cashier smiling at Harry's outburst "call me, sweetheart. Then you can see who's better," he winks at me, I roll my eyes at his dirty remarks.

"Don't even try it, big lad!" Harry shouts from the entrance of the store, grabbing everyone's attention.

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