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Yesterday an SOS came in from colorado. It seems that something attacked him. we all heard his voice clear and with fear-filled in it. The states looked around in fear. What happened to our brother they wondered. and did we have to do anything with it? Virginia and Maine stood on the table looking down at their brothers and sisters' anger clear on their faces. they all knew what happened and why. The same thing happened to their brother texas. he started a revolution and he paid the price as America had said. "ARE YOU ALL JUST GOING TO STAND THERE AND WATCH AS ANOTHER ONE OF OUR BROTHERS DIE AT THE HAND OF AMERICA!?" Virginia screeched angrily. Maine looked down at their siblings with a face of disappointment. It hurt Hawaii and Alaska more than anyone. "We hope you all have a great time living with a druggie and a drunk" Virginia and Maine walked (btw in this AU Ohio dose not exist YET) and out the door leaving a tense atmosphere behind them. 

(With the new revolution kids)

Maine do you have your tracker app thing on your phone still? Virginia asked Maine softly as they were walking over to the hangars. "yeah I do, but either way we still can't track colorado. He ripped his tracker out as he was leaving" Maine replied hopping into their jet. "ah ok it seems that we have to head into his state then" Virginia said hopping into their respective jet as well. The two taxied over to the runway and took off. "Minnie theres somthing following us"  Virginia said confusion laced in her voice. "I thought that Colorado knew we were now his allies?" Maine said. "It seems like this person did not get the new info then" Virginia said sighing. The plane behind them had coloraos new flag but it opend fire on the two states not realising that they are now allies "VINN CONTACT THAT PLANE WILL YA!?" Maine screeched

(In le scary plane pov)

"Stupid intruders...28th planes today... "colorado muttered annoyed at the amount of Americans trying to attack his people. A loud screech was heard in his head phones. He yelled out in pain before cussing is headphones out. "Hello?" A voice was heard through his headphones. "Uh..hi?" Colorado replied. "Oh good! This is the representatives of maine and virginia, coming from an American air base. We wanted to talk with Colorado about our battle plans for the revolution" the voice now kniwn as virginia said. "Oh Vinnie?" Colorado asked pronouncing Virginia's nickname wrong as he knows it irritates her. A sigh was heard from the other side of the line. "Yes yes colo that's me". Colorado giggled softly. "Alright let me lead you guys to our secret airbase." His plane flew in front of the other two and led them through the amazing land scape of Colorado.

((OK I Did something r u happy? sorry about le late updates I was sick and just felt like shit! But heres a rlly long chapter for you guyz!))

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