1. Meeting Vampires

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I sung happily in the woods near my house as the snow cascaded over the quiet forest. Little snow flakes stuck to my clothing, mostly my hat. I laid on the forest floor singing a Christmas song.

"Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow." The beautiful melody left my lips, carried through the air, and disappeared behind the trees.

For the first time that whole week I felt relaxed. So much has been on my mind lately. My mom was away on a trip right now and my dad was busy. I could really use some guidance from him.

Right now my father, head of the pack, is talking with Mr. Celling, leader of the vampire clan. The pack and the clan were royalty. We've been living next to each other on the same land since the dark ages. Even though we had a treaty of peace we never got along. Especially now since a recent incident has happened in the supernatural community.

Recently about a week ago a teenage vampire and a werewolf got into a argument over some nonsense. At first the problem was small until it snowballed into something bigger. What's even worse is the everyone goes to school together. Both vampires and werewolves, and everyone sticks by their species. One persons problem is everyone's problem. Meaning if two people from different species like vamps, and wolves don't get along and want to fight it's everyone's problem.

It would be Pack vs clan and us being royals don't make it any better. Both the pack and vampire clan have a big influence on other packs and clans. If us royals start fighting it could mean war against the two species. I know it sounds insane and I personally think it is but then again we're talking about hot and cold blooded creatures that have hated each other for centuries. They're always looking for a reason to bump heads.

Dad had nothing against the vampires, but he wasn't too fond of them either.

Mr.Celling and my dad got along when it came to business but they weren't friends. They were strictly business partners. They had some respect for one another as well as their oppisite species.They treated one another nicely, but vampires were still vampires and werewolves were still werewolves.

Thanks to all this funny business that's been going on my dad's barely had time for me, or any one else for that matter. Since he had to talk to Mr.Celling and I wasn't allowed to over hear their conversation I left. I've been meaning to talk to my dad all week but he's just so busy.

I was nearing the end of my singing when I heard the bushes behind me rustle. I sniffed the air violently.

It wasn't a wolf but a vampire that I smelled. No one except Mr.Celling was allowed here today or at least that's what I was told.

The rustling grew louder so I got up and backed away from the bushes standing in the middle of a clearing. Fear ate at me slowly. I doubt it's a bunny hiding behind the bushes.

A boy popped out from behind a bush. He had long black curly hair.His eyes were a beautiful hypnotic emerald green. He wore a long sleeve black T-shirt, burgundy sweats, a gold chain, and some timberlands. The shirt wasn't tight on him. In fact it hung to his muscular frame just right. The outfit fit him just right.He smelled of vanilla and cinnamon. His lips looked soft, plump and pink. He was beyond handsome.

I met his eyes reluctantly.He was staring me down.His eyes roamed all over me from my feet up to my cold face.He finally met my gaze. Oh my goodness he had the face of a God. And those eyes, I shouldn't be eye raping him.

He caught me staring and smirked at me and licked his lips. Got Damn! I felt like a creep for staring at him. His eyes felt like they were clawing into my soul. I wanted to turn away but I just couldn't. It was like I was being hypnotized and I didn't like it.

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