3. I Want Her

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The tension in my dad's office was so thick that even a knife couldn't cut it. My dad hovered over me glaring down at me. I said nothing to him as I mentally prepared myself for his speech.

"What the hell is wrong with you Xavier? I told you to stay away from their territory, did I not?" My dads loud voice bounced off the walls.


"Xavier do you know what you've done?” Silence followed his question.

What the hell is he talking about?


"That girl that you met was the werewolf kings daughter." That girl is a werewolf? She kinda smelled like one but not really. She was different from the others. Her smell was different, her whole vibe was different, even her looks were diffrent.

For a moment I blocked out my dad and relived the moment I first met her. When I followed my dad to the werewolf territory I wanted to stop him from trying to bring the vampires and werewolves together. When he first told me of his ideas we must've argued for at least 3 days. Every word we exchanged was about my hatred towards his plans to "unite" the vampires and werewolves.

I wasn't the only one mad either. My other siblings had went crazy when they heard the news. My mom of course stood by my father but I could tell she wasn't to fond of the whole situation. I mean who would be? From now on I have to hang out with those dogs.

When my dad finally set up a meeting with the King of Mutts I followed him.I was furious when I was following his scent, but then I smelled something else. I smelled her, my beloved. She smelled so good. Yeah she smelled kinda like werewolf but underneath that she smelled good. Her smell was exotic and new to me.

She was like the ocean. She pulled me into her and I just couldn't get away. Her scent was super intoxicating and it excited me. If she could make me feel that way and we haven't even touched yet I wonder how'd it be when we did touch.

I found myself following her scent and forgetting about the reason I came to their territory. It was worth it though because I got to see her. Her lips were a rosy red, full, and plump. They were different from my usual liking of pink and thin lips. She was different overall from what I liked.

Her skin was a golden brown not the pale white,caramel, or slightly tanned that I loved. She brought so much color to the snow covered woods. Her hair was dark brown and curly. Her hair was covered in a hat and it flowed a little over half way down her back.

I couldn't stop staring at her. Her eyes were a bright hazel color. It was like looking into the sun. So tempting and so blinding.I almost laughed when I saw that she was staring back at me. I wanted to stop my dad but when I saw her all I could think was that I had to have her. It should be a sin for someone to look that beautiful.

Unfortunately she got away before I could speak to her. Her brother saved her. I didn't even catch her name. The girl could run really fast in her human form.I wasn't ready for her speed so I had to catch my breath. I'm sure my dad said her name but I couldn't hear it properly over my heavy breathing.

Are werewolves and vampires even supposed to be mates? Is it possible? I doubt it. She has to be crossbred. Maybe she's a fairy and a small part of werewolf or something. She has to be because I knew she was my beloved when I laid eyes on her but she didn't seem to know that I was her mate.

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