2. The invitation

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"Marie!"My father screamed when he saw me.

I didn't respond to him. Only the vampire in front of me held my attention. I heard rumors of Mr.Celling but never in a million years did I think I'd be face to face with him, especially under my conditions. He wore all black which only made him more scary. and I didn't even bother to breathe due to my fear.

Are all vampires this freaking scary?  I'm not even sure if my heart is beating right now. Mr. Celling looked at me with concern.

"What's wrong?" He questioned.

My dad and brother quickly came to my aid. Cesar pushed Mr.Celling back gently into the kitchen creating alot of distance between us.

"Marie I'm sorry. I didn't know that you'd be back in the house so early. Yo-" I cut my dad off by wrapping my arms around his waist.

"It's doesn't matter. I'm just glad your here now." I mumbled against my dad's chest.

I missed my dad. Every time I got to see him it seemed like the time we spent together was never enough. I knew he was the current Alpha of the pack and he had duties to take care of, but I'd like it every once in a while if he'd take a break from his job. I needed my father to be there for me more often. I snuggled deeper into his shirt getting more comfortable.

His hands wrapped around my shoulders and his chin laid on my head. We stayed like that for a few seconds as my jittery nerves calmed. "Marie?" He tilted his head so that he was looking at me.

I looked at my father." Yes daddy?"

"Why are you home so early?" He questioned.

I pulled away from him and sighed. He raised an eyebrow but awaited  for my answer. "There was....is some vampire on are territory, and it's  not Mr.Celling but the guy looks like him. That's why I was so shook when I saw Mr.Celling." I stated.

My dads eyebrows furrowed together. He held his chin in his hand for a moment before he spoke again.

"Cesar bring Mr.Celling!" My dad called.

"Daddy no!" I Whined.

"Marie he won't hurt you, and if he tries anything I'll be here to stop him." He said confidently.

I didn't have time to reply because Cesar came back into the living room with Mr.Celling. I subconsciously grabbed onto my dad's shirt. My eyes followed his movements. Cesar led him to the couch and took a seat beside him.

My dad glanced at the couch and then at me. There is no way on Earth that I'm sitting anywhere near that man! My dad reached for my hand but I backed away.

"Can't we talk from a distance with him dad." I pleaded.

"Marie." My dad sighed a little frustrated yet concerned and sad at the same time.

I glanced over my shoulder at my brother and Mr.Celling. Mr. Celling's flashed me a smile and I squealed. Shock and concern showed in his eyes.

I couldn't help it. I knew he smiled to show he was harmless and nice but in my mind it was creepy.It reminded me of that boys smile. I turned back to my dad.

"Daddy please?" I clasped my hands together pleading.

He crossed his hands over his chest."Marie your wasting time. The faster we get this over with the more time we have to catch that vampire." My dad growled lowly. I guess he was already annoyed with me, but he wasn't the one seeing the vampires for the first time in his life.

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