Chapter 6

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3 Days Later
Jeff's POV

I had been taking care of Jay for about three days and I was getting used to having him around. I geuss I do make a good dad after all.

Having a kid around for the last few days actually wasn't bad. Honestly, it was kind of fun. Me and him were sitting on the couch watching Loony Toons when BEN came into the room.

"Hey Jeff have you seen Jack?" He asked.

I shook my head. "No, I haven't seen him since I brought Jay back home with me."

He sighed, explaining to me, "Jack went out to hunt a little before you got back with the boy. He hasn't come back since..."

I face palmed. "And you only now decide to tell me. After three days of him being gone, you tell me now!" I kept ranting, pacing back and forth, back and forth, until BEN slapped me.

"Ow! What the hell was that for!" I roared. He just shrugged.

"Ok, how about this." He started, "I go look for Jack on my own and you take the boy and look for him too." He said, pointing at Jay.

I agreed and led Jay outside to start looking for Eyeless Jackass.

3 Days prior
Eyeless Jack's POV

"BEN! I'm going hunting!" I yelled down the hall before leaving. We had ran out of kidneys and I was starving. I started down the road, stalking past a few houses before finding a decently sized house. It was pretty plain, but it looked like the owners were home.

It was around one in the morning when I slid open a window on the second story and entered the house. I stalked around quietly, finding there was no one on that floor. I went downstairs and into the livingroom and saw a girl on the couch. She couldn't have been more than fifteen years old. She looked like your average highschool brat who always got her way.

"That'll change tonight..." I thought smirking to myself while I slid down my mask to cover my face. I walked in and stood in front of her. She was out cold so I clicked her on the nose to wake her up.

"Ow! What the hell!" She yelled as she woke up. Her eyes took a moment to adjust, but when they did her face was priceless!

She shreeked in fear and tried to wiggle away. I quickly snatched her by the throat and held her in place. I probably looked like something from a horror movie to her.

"P-please... d-don't kill m-me..." She whimpered. I smiled sinisterly at her begging. I brought out my rusty scalpel and started to cut into her stomach, making her wail in pain.

She passed out from either fear or blood loss by the time a made a second cut. She didn't last long after that. I took the delicious kidneys from the rotten girl's corpse. I devoured them both.

Satisfied, I slunk out a window and into the backyard.

I jumped over a few fences and I was about to make my way through a dark, musty alleyway when I heard a groan of pain. I looked around and in a dark corner, leaned against a few cardboard boxes was a frail woman. She had black cloth wrapped around both her legs. The makeshift bandages  had blood soaking through.

She had a porcelain mask with black eyes and lips. The woman wore a short black dress that was ripped at the bottom. That must have been where she got the cloth on her legs from.

The mask that concealed her face was dark with ash. I think I heard of her one time, because Slender wanted to recruit her as a Pasta, even though for some reason Jeff wasn't all that happy with that idea.

The Hateful Love We Have (JeffxJane)Where stories live. Discover now