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thomas tightened his grip on the steering wheel.

across the street, he saw john laurens and alexander kissing.


thomas let out a low growl as he saw them both get into laurens car. he quickly started the car and followed them as they drove off.

who the hell did he think he was, kissing alexander, then picking him up and driving off?

alexander was his, and his only.

thomas drove around for a few more hours before they finally drove back to alexander's apartment building.

he watched as alexander and john got out of the car and walked into the apartment complex.

thomas got out of the car and walked over to john's, somehow breaking into the car without setting off the alarm and hid in the back seat, waiting until john walked out.

thomas would say he was... obsessed. i mean, if you call obsessed buying an apartment in the same apartment complex as alexander, and the same floor, then sure, he was obsessed. though, he was kinda rich because of his family, so he also had his own house all the way in virginia.

after about an hour, john walked out of the building and opened the car door, then got into the car.

once john had settled in, thomas popped out and pulled a plastic bag over john's head, holding it there no matter how hard john struggled.

thomas smiled as he watched johns struggling slow down, before coming to a complete stop.

he got what he deserved anyways.

he took the bag off of john's head and crumpled it up, hiding it under the seat or something.

he opened the car door and stepped out, closing it behind him.

now, he just had to wait again. he hated waiting. he just wanted to hold his alexander in his arms.

alexander always went on a midnight walk, and of course thomas always watched him to make sure he was safe.

thomas waited for hours until midnight, and saw alexander finally walk out of his apartment complex.

it was time. he would finally have his alexander.

he got out of his car and waited until alexander was far enough so he could walk behind him without being suspected.
after a few minutes, he finally decided it was time.

thomas slowly caught up to alexander and pulled out a cloth, putting it over his nose and mouth and holding him close to his chest as he struggled.

"shh.. everything's gonna be okay. im here now, love." thomas cooed gently as alexander passed out in his arms.

he picked alexander up bridal style to his car, putting him in the trunk and tying him up.

thomas sighed softly and tucked a strand of hair behind alexander's ear.

next stop? virgina.

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