Ch.1 Selene & Cordelia

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What am I to you?

What are we?

What do I believe?

Who do I believe?

So many questions flooded my head. I was starting to feel nauseous. Everything felt like some strange daydream that I wish I could snap out of. Although I was sitting down, I could feel the world falling from beneath my feet.

Everything my girlfriend has told me has been a lie. Everything about my girlfriend is a lie.

...My girlfriend is a lie. love is a lie.

What's a normal reaction when you realize a disturbing truth. I'm not sure what would justify as a normal reaction, but apparently mine is to have a crisis and mentally break down my whole fucking relationship. What the fuck did I even get myself into?





Tuesday, November 5th, 2019

8:05 AM

The morning started like it always did; wake up, shower, get dressed. Go to the kitchen to find Cordelia making breakfast and greeting me with the most dazzling smile ever bestowed upon a human.

C: Good morning my love, did you sleep well?

S: Morning babe. Of course, I did. What's for breakfast?

I asked while wrapping my arms from behind Cordie's waist and resting my head on her shoulder. She always woke up at least two hours before I did to work out and get ready for the day.

C: Strawberry Crêpes Suzette and that Colombian dark roast coffee I brought from work the other day.

S: Ooo smells amazing.

I could feel my mouth water from the scent that was beginning to waft throughout our kitchen. I always offered to cook so Cordie wouldn't feel like she had to do everything but she always refused. Especially after my last attempt at making waffles. In a way, her insisting on making breakfast every morning is her way of shielding us both from my disastrous culinary skills; too bad I'm not one to give up easily.

Although we have only been dating for two years, going on three this January. I can honestly say, I see myself marrying this wonderful woman. I can see us growing older together, I can see myself surviving anything as long as she's right there beside me.

I was snapped out of my reverie by Cordelia asking me a question.

S: Hmmm, sorry what?

C: I asked if you want any whipped cream or topping on your Crêpes, silly. It looks like your still sleepy.

S: Sure, I guess I am. In the meantime let me get the table and coffee ready.

I unwrapped my arms from around Cordie's waist and went to set the table before pouring two mugs of coffee.

C: So what's the plan for today? Do you get to work from home today or are you meeting up with any clients?

S: I have a meeting at ten-thirty with the museum's creative directors and a lunch meeting with a client over one of their works being put on loan in the museum.

C: Aww and here I thought I'd at least have you for lunch. So what kind of work is being put on loan at the museum?

S: Lina Bo Bardi Draws, we're hoping if all goes smoothly today. For the upcoming meeting on Friday and get the ok. We can have the exhibit open to the public by December.

C: Oh wow that's a lot of meetings, but isn't December only a few weeks away?

S: Yup. So it looks like I've got my work cut out for me. But that's alright, at least I'm doing what I love.

C: Hey, I thought I was what you loved doing.

Cordelia coyly said. My god this woman really likes teasing me, so early in the day.

S: Cordie you know you're the one I love, but if you tempt me right now. Let's just say I'm not going to go easy on you. So what are your plans today my love?

I added while giving her a devilish grin. Cordie's eyebrows arched slightly in surprise but she only gave an innocent smile and quickly took a bite of her breakfast before telling me of what her day held ahead of her.

C: Well my love, I also have a meeting today. My boss flew in last night and would like to discuss the team's progress on a project we started a while back. Just a bunch of boring charts and stats really. And after that, I suppose start planning the office Christmas party with my coworkers.

S: Oo your right does sound boring, but can't wait to hear about what you all have planned for the Christmas party.

I learned not to ask too much about Cordie's work-related projects or assignments. I guess since she works for a big company like Genysis Tech. She has to be pretty secretive on work-related stuff. My line of work isn't as secretive, working as an art curator at the Moreau Museum of Art.

9:35 AM

Before we could finish our coffee, Cordelia's phone began to ring.

C: Hello? Oh hello, sir. Yes, I understand. Ok. Ok. Ok, be there in twenty minutes. Ok, goodbye sir.

Cordie looked at me with apologetic puppy eyes. Before apologizing for not being able to drive me to work.

C: I'm sorry babe, looks like my boss wants to push the meeting earlier.

S: Don't worry I understand, I can drive myself today. Plus I haven't driven my own car in a while. As long as I see you tonight it's ok.

I added with a smile.

C: Aw thanks my love, don't worry you will. I'll make sure to wrap it up quickly so I can get here by seven.

Cordie quickly went about getting her things. While I washed the dishes. Just as I was about done, Cordie was making her way towards the door before I stopped her with a quick 'Aren't you forgetting something?'

C: oop sorry, almost forgot

Cordie came running giving me a quick peck on the cheek, then a long satisfying kiss on the lips. Causing me to give her a satisfied grin.

I went about getting ready before heading out for work as well. When I heard a sudden knock on the door. Must be Cordie, she probably forgot some paperwork of something. I thought to myself. Once I opened the door I saw that was not the case. I was greeted with two unfamiliar serious faces.

Agent #1 Carter: Good Morning Miss. I'm Agent Carter from the FBI, this is Agent Samuels from the CIA. May we come inside?

The older looking agent asked while they forced their way in, and shutting the door behind them. I was still trying to comprehend what was going on when the second agent who looked to be around my age started to clear his throat.

Agent #2 Samuels: Good Morning Ma'am we were hoping you could answer some questions for us today.





One minute you're getting ready for work and kissing your girlfriend goodbye on her way out the door. The next scary, serious-looking men in black suits are at your door 'wanting to talk'.

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