Chapter 4

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Chelsea gripped Keisha's hand as tight as she could. This made her wince in pain and a Chelsea released her hand.
"Let's get out of here" Gray said putting his hand on Cole's shoulder. To which Cole slapped it away.
"WHAT DID YOU EXPECT ME TO DO!" Cole yelled taking a step closer.
"I want you to leave" Chelsea sobbed a tear falling down her cheek.
"Get out!" Keisha yelled at Cole standing up from the couch.
"What did you want me to do Chelsea?" Cole asked his voice was still stern and his glare was frightening.
"You want the Jackson Porter incident all over again?" Cole asked. Keisha didn't even think twice she quickly closed the distance between herself and Cole and a loud slap was heard through the room.
"Go to hell!" she growled at him. 

The Jackson Porter incident hadn't been mentioned since it happened. The name made Chelsea shudder, it was like her nightmares attacked her while she was awake.
"I don't need your protection Cole, I need you to leave me alone!" Chelsea begged.
"You don't want to hear anything I have to say?" He asked.
"Not right now, no I don't" Chelsea snapped.
"I'm your brother Chelsea!" He exclaimed.
"I know you better then anyone!" He growled.
"Then you would know the pain I feel when I look at you, how disappointed I am in you and how disgusted I am with you!" She growled looking away to the view of the calm settled lake.
Cole just turned on his heel and left the room. Gray hovered for a moment.
"I am sorry Chels" he mumbled before following after Cole.

Chelsea sat for a minute. The girls remaining quiet. Chelsea jumped from her seat and hurried to her bedside table where her car keys sat. 
"Where are you going?" Keisha asked. 
"I have to go visit someone" Chelsea told her. 
"I want to come" Keisha stated grabbing her things and following Chelsea through her bedroom door. 
The two made their way into the large garage that held 10 different cars. They made their way to the white Range Rover Evoque. The car smelt of Chelsea's perfume. The leather seats squeaked as the girls got in. 
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Keisha asked, knowing Chelsea's fear of the hospital. 
"I have to" Chelsea nodded. The girls pulled into the parking lot of the small town hospital. Chelsea's hands were beginning to shake as she tightened the grip on the steering wheel. 
"Chels, we don't have to if you don't want to" she said supportively. 
"I have to Keish" Chelsea nodded snapping out of her fear. "I owe it to him" she mumbled quietly. 

The hospital smelt of sanitiser and cleaning products. Chelsea pulled Keisha into the small gift shop in the corner of the hospital. Chelsea looked through the cheap flowers. 
"You're going to get him flowers?" Keisha asked. 
"Yeah? Is that bad?" Chelsea asked with a raised eyebrow. 
"Your brother beat the shit out of him Chels, you're going to have to do a lot better then flowers" Keisha stated. Chelsea picked out a box of candy, a blue teddy bear and a blue balloon that read, Feel better soon!
The girls walked to the reception that was completely quiet. A nurse with long brown hair tied back, she had dark bags under her eyes but she was young and still beautiful,
"How can I help you girls?" the nurse asked. 
"Owen Hanson, he was brought in early today" Chelsea stated. 
"Room 304, level 8, cute bear" the nurse smiled before turning back to her paperwork. 
The elevator ride was awkward and silent. 
"What if his parents are there?" Chelsea asked. 
"Then you smile, say you're praying for him and that you're sorry" Keisha shrugged. 
"Yeah I guess" Chelsea nodded. When the elevator finally hit level 8, the doors opened. A young couple hugged each other tightly as they stood outside a room. The wife cried into the man's arms. The couple stood outside room 304. 
"Excuse me?" Chelsea asked. The wife turned to the girls. She had dark brown hair and bright blue eyes that were now red and bloodshot. Chelsea noticed Owen had her features and his father's strong facial structure. 
"Are you Owen's parents?" Keisha asked politely. The woman nodded wiping away her tears. 
"I'm Chelsea and this is Keisha" Chelsea introduced. 
"Chelsea?" the woman asked. 
"You're the girl who found him!" she gasped. Chelsea nodded in response. 
"I wish I found him earlier, I'm really sorry" Chelsea mumbled. The woman pulled Chelsea into a hug. 
"Thank you so much" she sobbed on Chelsea's shoulder. Chelsea patted her back as the woman sobbed. 
"Is he awake?" Chelsea asked as the woman released Chelsea. 
"They've just given him a lot of morphine, not for long" the father said. 
"I'll wait out here" Keisha said. Chelsea nodded and opened the hospital door. 

The hospital room had a large window facing the view of the town. The wall with the window had a leather couch underneath it. A large table next to the couch was full of flowers and teddy bears. The walls were a dark modern colour making the white bed stand out. Owen turned and looked at her. 
"Hey" he said quietly his voice cracking a bit. Owen's right arm was in a sling and his face was badly bruised, a few stitches covered the side of his eyebrow. 
"I'm so sorry" Chelsea sighed placing the candy, teddy bear and balloon on the table among the other presents. 
Owen moved slightly to the right side of the bed, and patted the small free space on the bed. 
"I'm fine" he shrugged. "This isn't your fault and I don't want you to ever think it was" he stated. 
"I should have known what was going to happen, Cole has never been this severe before" Chelsea mumbled. "What have the doctors said?" Chelsea asked. 
"A mild concussion, bruised ribs and a sprained wrist" Owen shrugged. 
"I'm going to be fin..." he started before his eyes started to close. 
"Don't lleeavv" he continued before he was out. Chelsea looked down at her hand and noticed Owen holding tight. Chelsea smiled at him as he leaned on her arm. 
Chelsea sat there for a while before getting off the bed, she noticed the sun was starting to go down. 

Three pairs of eyes stared at her when she left the room. 
"He's out for the count" Chelsea mumbled looking at her hands. 
"Thank you for coming and seeing him" his mother smiled at her. Chelsea smiled back. 
"Does anyone know who did this?" the husband asked. 
"We have an idea" Keisha mumbled. 
"Who?" Owen's father demanded. 

"It's being dealt with trust me" Chelsea assured them. 
"We better get going" Chelsea mentioned wanting to get out of there as fast as she could. 
"Of course, thank you for stopping by" her mother smiled at both girls. 
"It was lovely to meet you both!" Keisha called before beginning her walk to the elevator with a confused Chelsea following close behind. Chelsea pulled herself into the Range Rover. 
"You were in there for a long time" Keisha smirked at her best friend. 
"Don't give me that look, we just talked" Chelsea rolled her eyes at her. 
"Then why are your cheeks pink?" Keisha asked. 
Chelsea was starting to feel better. After speaking to Owen and his parents she felt okay. There was no overprotective brother to worry about anymore. He was on his own now, but so was she. 

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