Waging Chapped Lips

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"The air's pretty thin here, aight?" said the one who's body remained on the dusted gravel floor.

"No one actually gives a chicken nugget my dude," said the floor.

"You seem to~," the body drifted their finger across the floor's long, bumpy body.

The floor sighed and let out a laugh and a snickers bar. "Eww! Why the bullying is there a timing snickers bar iN mY cRuStY rOcKy HoOd?!" the floor screeched.

All of a sudden, a familiar theme song started playing... ThOmAs, Is DaT yOu(du du du doo didoo du, didoodu dididoo, didodidodidooo, didadOoOooO, didadOooOoO, didaDodOdoDOdooooo)

Thomas pulled up from the sewers and said, "periodt, periodt, periodt."

Thomas ran over the roadkill that layed on the gravel road. Was it all a hallucination?

I woke up. HoLy HeCc, My WaTeR bOtTlE fLeW aWaY!¡!! AaaaAAAaAaaAAAaAaAAaHHHhhHhHhHHHhHh!

"Whatever," I thought as I ran downstairs, step by step, left to the right, down every single stair.

When I reached the bottom of the 'case, I opened the pantry door to my left, kneeled down, and grabbed the last water that tasted like rubber duckies from the plastic wrappy thing. They should've used bubble wrap instead. I ended up picking up the plastic wrap container, with the water bottle in it, and yeeted it towards the sink where I then, fLoOdEd A wHoLe EnTiRe LaKe WiTh WaTeR mAdE oF tOrTaLz.

I looked to my right and saw past my kitchen island. There was an old lady, but there must be more detail. I grabbed a sksk4206902 from my earlobe and looked through it. The old lady had shrek-green skin with small folds every centimeter making layerSs. Her necc was bone-like and it seemed like she couldn't even breath. Her eyes looked sewn shut with skin pulled up, covering her eeya(eyes). O mAi GeRsH, it's a living hAiR cLiPpEr!!

Du du du doo didoo du...

T-Thomas-Kun..? Is that y-you?

"YeSh MoThEr, It Is."

"OH, oK sOn. Go ClEaN tHe DiShEs."

"ThEn FeEd Me SuM sTeAk."

"KaY¡!!" Geez, trainz are mean.

As I walked to get some steak, I turned back making sure my si- son was still there. Thomas licked his mountainous chapped lips. I wanted to vOmIt. "Why is you stariNG at mY lIpZ you flat piece of pApEr?!?!"

"Joe told me too." hehehe... little does he know I got something planned.

"WhO'S J-" ahh yes, it's so nice to wAgE a nUcLeAr WaR... "-OE?!"

"Joe mama..." imagine if I said that in an epic slow motion, oK.

Timas the Tuna appeared out of nowhere and told me that I smell like grass clippings and that I should go suffocate inside a feather.

Golfy the Snowman came out from my chimney and eel slapped Timas the Tuna with a jolly rancher. "OwWw!" said a random bonsai tree that no one cares about.


"ShUt ThE dOoR aNd Go Up!"


I pulled out a flamethrower from mai living fetus and pew pew'd the tree who said nAAaaAaHhHHh. I swear, trees, especially bonsai ones, are the most aNnOyInG tHiNg On EaRtH. YaEt. Sniff sigh pout sitting cross armed speechless notice tilt arm up patty pat tHaT vItOr¿??

Zksnkdbfisnsosndosj gah gay

Humphrey the Pickle and Pika the Cucumber appeared out of a food. ThEy EaT eAcH oThErZ hAiR aNd EyEz. Why is there foOd?¿??‽


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i wanted to finally upload this, this was made like lAsT yEaR oR sOmEtHiN', so endoi y'all big bUcKiOz

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2020 ⏰

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