Chapter 2~ Your First Day on the Job

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*ive realised i made a few mistakes in the last chapter... whoops :p
Anyway, welcome back! Enjoy the chapta ~


"Yes? What is it, bub?"

"Do you think the ATEEZ members will like me?"

It was the day of your first time on the job. It was 6am, and you couldn't sleep that night. You were so worried about not being able to sleep and getting eye bags that you ended up worrying so much that caused you to not be able to sleep...

"Y/n. If there is one thing that I know for sure, it's that I don't know if ATEEZ will like you or not. But chances are, they won't even bother to get to know you. You're just their photographer. They don't have time to get to know you, therefore you shouldn't worry."
"Ji-hae, I feel worse. So now you're basically telling me I'm not worth getting to know?"
"Y/n! Of course I didn't mean that! Look, they either like you or they don't mind you. Nothing worse. I promise, ok?"

You were both lying in bed together, stressed and tired from the previous night.
"Alright! Up we get. You have to be there at 8, right? Meaning we leave at 7:45 which will mean we will be 5 minutes early, leaving you enough time to calm down and collect yourself. That leaves us 1 hour and 45 minutes to get ready."
"Ji-hae. Stop being so organised and be normal."
"Y/n. I will continue to be organised for as long as I need. So, now we have to get up and get ready! This time, you will have a good breakfast."

"Ji-hae is a god."

-time skip-

"Y/n, my lil' marshmallow, fluff of cuteness. You are going to do great things today. I believe in you, and I know in my heart that you are going to be absolutely amazing."

"Ji-hae, thanks. You are honestly the only friend I could ever ask for."

You and Ji-hae squeeze each other in a heartwarming hug. You were standing outside of the KQ Entertainment building, about to enter for your first day on the job. You were excited to meet the members, but you were nervous that they wouldn't like you. You were nervous that you would mess up by not taking good enough photos. 
You and Ji-hae pull away from your hug.

"Ok, I'm going in."

"Good luck! You're going to do great!"

"I may never come back, aha."

You wave back at Ji-hae and attempt to focus your breathing. You were worried, but you were more excited about getting your first job. 

You straighten your back and stare ahead of you. You enter the building in a professional manner. You make sure that your expressions aren't harsh, but you make sure that you don't look weak. You're wearing a simple black, silk shirt over a lime green singlet. The jeans are light blue and the black silk shirt covers your butt. You have white converse shoes as well as a gold necklace around you neck, with a little cat charm. You have never worn something so professional in your life, other than at your year 12 formal/prom, but that was an exception. 

You walk up to the counter (im assuming there is one??).
(korean mode is switched on)

"Hi, how may I help you?" The lady at the desk says. She is a little chubby, and it is obvious she got a face lift. Her hair is short, straight and black, and she peers at you through her little round glasses.

"Hi, my name is f/n l/n, and I am ATEEZ's new photographer."

"Ah, I see. Ok. If you could just take a seat over their and I'll be over in a second," the woman says as she stands and points at the chairs. After you take a seat, she begins to rummage through her things on the desk.

(pLS do not take what im saying next seriously. i have no idea what the heck the kq building looks like, so im using my imagination lol)

The lobby is not exceptionally big, but instead it is a comfortable size. There were some lounges with a coffee table in the middle, with magazines on top. There were also some chairs where some people were sitting. You sit down, making sure not to slump your back. 

"Hi, y/n?"

The woman had returned with a clipboard and pen, and a name tag with your name on it.

"Yes, that's me."

She sits beside you and passes you the pen and clipboard.

"I just need you to sign this, and this. And then someone will come and show you around the building, as well as introduce the group to you. The photoshoot starts at 9:30, and it's currently 8, so you are quite early, but that's alright."

You nod at everything she is saying and once she had finished, you signed the paper and hand it back. The woman then gives you your name tag and you put it on the edge of your chest pocket.  And as if on cue, another young woman walks in and smiles at you. 

"Hi, my name is Kim Eun-Jung, and I will be accompanying you today." She bows at you slightly as she kindly smiles at you. She is tall and slim, with white high heels and white jeans, with a clean black shirt and a denim jacket. Her face with thin and defined, and her hands were smooth and she showed no signs of aging.

You immediately stand up and bow at her. "My name is f/n l/n (or l/n f/n, same thing). Thank you for taking the time to show me around."

"That's alright. Come this way, I will show you around."

-time skip-

"Ok, this is the last place I will be showing you. This is the room where the photoshoot will take place. At the moment, the members are in the makeup room getting ready for the shoot. You will be able to meet them first and get to know them."

"Oh alright. Ok."

She smiles again as she leads you back towards the makeup room, which you passed by before.

She knocks on the door and one of the stylists answer. 

"Oh hello."

"Hi, I would like to introduce the members to their new photographer."

"Right, right. Come in, they are just about ready."

You and Eun-jung enter the room, and as you do, you are able to see the ATEEZ members up in person.

They are obviously surprised to see you, as they started covering their mouths in awe. Eun-jung speaks up.

"As you all know, you are getting a new photographer. This is f/n l/n, and she will be taking you for a while."

The ATEEZ members immediately assemble into a line, and the leader, Hongjoong, says clearly "1, 2, 3".

And the members reply in a synchronised bow. "8 makes 1 team, hello!"

You stare at them for a second, a little speechless at the greeting that made your heart skip a beat. Then, you bow back at them, saying hello back.

"Hello, my name is y/n, and I will be your photographer. Please take care of me." They applaud you and do a cute little wave. This was the group you were working with? They were amazing! Handsome, cute, and obviously kind and organised. 

You look at the group, stuck in your own thoughts. You knew all the members already, but in person, they were so much more handsome. But one of the members caught your eye. They were seriously good looking, but it was like... their eyes drew you in even more. Their eyes were like a void sucking you in. 

Kang Yeosang, and you knew he was already handsome, but, in person, he was just so much more than looks. 

"Alright, it's almost time for the photoshoot, so we should head over."

"A-alright, uhm yeah ok."

You could feel ATEEZ's stare on you. They were judging you, as does everyone do. But you hoped that they didn't have bad thoughts about you... especially Yeosang. 


i have no idea where this is going lol

see yall later bai~~

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