"Friendly" Greetings

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It's a new semester, new start, new me. It's gonna be okay.

I walk towards my classroom, presumably "Class 1-A". I shuffle a bit, getting the courage to finally slide the door, until two people crashed into me.



I fell on the floor. Looking up, i saw the two girls that had just crashed me.
The first one had a white bandana and slightly purple hair, the other had blue hair that's tied up in a simple ponytail.

"U-um..hi?" I said awkwardly, the blue haired groaned audibly, jolting up. The other already looked unconcious.
The blue haired girl took a good look at me and then she gives me an apologetic look.
"Hey, sorry we crashed into ya..." She said, "It's okay..." I assured.

"What's your name?" She asked, "Um..Capricorn." I replied, "I'm Aquarius, but Aqua is fine. That monkey over there is Libra." She said, pointing towards the unconcious purplehead.

"C-class is starting. We should probably wake her up." I suggested. She looked at me for a second, "Yeah, i suppose that's a good idea." She shrugged. I quietly walk towards the girl lying on the floor.

"Hey, wake up.." I nudge her, she mumbles something incoherent. I nudge her again, a little tougher this time. She once again, ignores me. I try again. And again. And again. And again. Aqua gives me a look of pity. I finally shake her with all my pent up rage. She swatted my hand away.

At this point, my patience is gone. I grab her by the waist, before slamming her head on the floor.
She, of course, jolted up, now fully awake. "GERMAN SUPLEX!"

She stares at me,

And i stare back.

We did this for a solid two minutes, before Aqua steps in, informing us that class should start soon. We both nodded, gathered our things, and entered the class.

The class was...um..well, you could say.....yeet. I saw some of the students from my class last semester, but none of them did i get really close to.

I scanned the room to find three seats left in the back, near the window. I saw the other two also looking at those spots. We glanced at each other, before silently taking our seats. I took the seat in the middle, Aqua took the seat farthest from the window, while Libra sat next to the window.

"So, hi." Libra started the conversation, "What's your name?" She asked me, i stare at her, she stares back.

"Capricorn, Cap for short." I replied, still looking deep into her eyes. "I'm Libra, you can call me Lib." She informs.

We soon broke eye contact.

After a couple of minutes, the teacher came in with a student.

"Alright, everyone settle down. We have a new student today. He's a foreign exchange student, i expect you all to treat him nicely." The teacher, Mr. Ling Ling, announced.

The student looks at us for a second, before introducing himself.

"Good morning, the name's Virgo, nice to meet cha'!" He said, almost all of the girls immediately turn goo-goo heart eyes all over him, Sure he's good looking, but eh. Aqua and Lib did not seem interested either.

"Thank you, Virgo. Please sit down in front of Capricorn, Capricorn raise your hand." I groaned, before raising my hand. He quickly skipped over to the seat in front of me, and Jesus- he's tall. I mean, not that i'm complaining. Gives me a good barrier, so the teacher doesn't catch me dozing off.

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