6 Feet, side-by-side

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Libra P.O.V

"Hey, look over there!" Capricorn was pointing towards a pastel cart. A big sign was hanging on the main body of the cart. "LeCrepe" was simply painted on the sign.

We had decided to go home together after realizing our homes are in the same direction.

"Let's get some! I'll pay," Capricorn said, skipping to the cart. "Wait! We can't just do that, let's pay for our own.." Aquarius sighed, Capricorn just looked at her with a look that says 'Yo, you worry too much.' Before coaxing Aquarius to let her buy it for them. "Fine, but i'm paying next time, and i guess, Libra will pay after that..sounds good?" Aquarius asked, Capricorn said she was fine with it, i just nod.

"What do you guys wanna get?" She said, after we were all in front of the cart. I take a good look at the menu displayed on the headboard of the cart,

The 'Strawberry Crepe' looks good...i'll get that one!

"I'll have a 'Strawberry Crepe'!" I exclaimed, Capricorn nodded before scratching it down on a piece of parchment she had magically got. Aquarius thought for a bit, before finally choosing the 'Choconana Crepe' and Capricorn ordered the 'Blueberry Crepe'. She soon gave the paper to the cart-owner, he skimmed over the piece of paper before nodding and accepting the money Capricorn had handed him. Somehow, he looked sorta familiar,

But i shrugged the feeling off. After a couple of minutes, the guy gave us three perfectly done crepes. I was staring in awe by the sight of the pretty crepe in front of me, four pieces of strawberries were donned on the whipping cream, and strawberry jam was dripping from the cream.

We all continued to walk home while eating. At some point, Capricorn had smudged her face with the cream and basically tried to infect us too. Which ended in her victory, she gave a victorious smile. And, oh do i want to rip that smile from her pretty face...

Aqua keeps trying to take a picture of our feet,

"What? It's aesthetic." She said nonchalantly, before taking a few pictures with her polaroid camera, it looked super 90's and cool. Well, as Aqua says it, 'Aesthetic'.

Cap giggled a bit, before a lightbulb makes a sudden appearance on her crown,

"Let's line our feet up, that'll make it easier for Aqua to take a picture of our feet," she clasped her hands together, "So it's aesthetic."

"Great idea, Cap!" Aqua exclaimed.

I nod slightly. After that, the three of us began to line our feet.

Cap in the middle, Aqua on the right, and i on the left.

Aqua then pulled out her polaroid and began taking pictures. She waited a bit, and the small piece of photo finally came out. Aqua flapped the photo for a while and the picture showed it's contents.

Three sneakers lined up against each-other. Side-by-side.

Grey, blue, and purple.

Soon, the photo came out. And i gotta admit,

It's not bad. Or should i say it,

It looks aesthetic.

"It looks great, Aqua!" Aqua beamed at  the exclamation.

We resumed our walking, before seeing a familiar redhead with his sister.

Taurus P.O.V

"Which one do you want, Leo?" I asked her.

She contemplated for a bit, and finally choosing.

"I want the 'Lemon Crush'!" She bursts enthusiastically, pointing at the candy menu. I quickly request for one.

I'm a sophomore in Constellations High, and that is my sister, Leo. She's a junior, and she also goes to the same high school.

We're currently buying candy. This candy cart has been here ever since i was a middle schooler, i would always nag my parents to buy me some after school. This cart has a really deep histor-

"Taurus!" Leo whacks the back of my head, she's pretty tall.

"Sorry, sorry!" I quickly gave the man money before receiving two small bags full of candy.

I take a small piece from my packet and consume it. It tastes the same as it's always been.

Ah, this candy does bring up childhood memories...how nostalgic.

Soon, Leo decided that it was time to go home and practically dragged me to said destination.

"Soooo..." She began, i give her a quizzical look. She fiddled with the hem of her sleeve.

"Spit it out." I demanded, in a friendly way of-course...

"About that blond guy in school.." I spit out my candy.

"Errrr....h-he's new.." I stammered in between coughs.

"And handsome..." She sighs dreamily.

Shit. The thing i dread the most right now is coming true.

I knew the moment Leo ran towards our group earlier that Virgo would most definitely caught her eye. I knew.

And now, here i am.

Dammit....how do i solve a high-school crush?!

Also, it's a girl-crush.

I'm doomed. Most likely, anyways...

"There he is! Oh my God, how do i look?" She bursts, face red. I whip my head.

Lo and behold.....VIRGO.

I quickly grab her wrist and with zero hesitation, ran away.

"Hey Taurus!" The taller man says cheerfully.

"Oh, hi Taurus' sister!" He added, again with that cheerful tone. Leo still had a permanent blush on her face.

"H-hi! I'm L-Leo, Taurus' s-sis...ter.." She trailed off flusteredly.

I sighed internally,

"HeyVirgowe'reabouttogohomenowbeforeihaveamentalbreakdownbye." I scurried of, Leo's wrist still in my grasp.

"Hey!" She let out sounds of prostests but i ignored her. It was a wise choice.

After that escapade, we're finally at a good distance from Virgo and can now walk at a normal pace. Luckily, Leo chose not to question my behavior and we reached our home in about ten-minutes.

"Mom, we're home!" I informed.

"Oh, welcome home! Change into casual clothes and come sit down for dinner, i made steak." She gives us a warm smile. Leo hummed in understanding, we both go into our separate rooms that is on the second floor and began changing.

After a couple of minutes we came downstairs and was greeted by an amazing smell of tender steak.

We quickly rush to our seats and said our thanks.

"Go ahead, eat up!" Mom said cheerfully.

She soon took her own seat and began to eat her portion. "So, how was school?" She asked.

I contemplated a bit.

"It was great."


Woah. It's done! I can't say i'm satisfied with the results but that's up to you readers! 

Thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2020 ⏰

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