Blanc x Sick!Reader

639 23 6


Requested by: DivingMop


It was a rainy day so you couldn't go outside. You were bored and stuck at home with nothing to do. Blanc was not at home at the moment. He had some work to do.

You held your cup of tea and took a sip while leaning against the window frame. Enjoying the sound of raindrops made when they hit the ground. With the warmth of the tea,the sound of raining and the noise of fire crackling,makes everything so perfect that you started to feel sleepy. You were struggling to keep your eyes open but you decided to give in and sleep.




*Rustle rustle*

You opened one of  your eyes and looked around. Wondering where did that come from. You held your breathe a bit trying to listen for the sounds again but only silence met you . You started breathing again and shrugged,thinking that you were probably imagining things. You got startled when suddenly the rustling noises came back. You heart started to beat faster and faster. Feeling paranoid,you grabbed a broom just in case something is going to happen.

Then you noticed that the noises were coming from the bushes outside. Trying to be brave you decided to investigate. You went to opened the door and slowly walked over to one of the bushed that were shaking. As you left the house the pouring rain got heavier,which made you soaked but you could care less about it at the moment. You found yourself standing in front of the bush and poked it with the broom. Then there's a wet white fur ball thingy jumped out of it's hiding place and ran inside of your house. You began to panic and mentally cursed yourself for not closing the door.

You ran into the house and you closed the door. Not caring about your soaked form. Noticing a trail of water the led to your shared bedroom with Blanc. You gulped and held the broom tight. Walking towards the bedroom while being cautious. The room was dark and you didn't bother to turn on the lights since there's a bit of light coming from the window.

You felt like fainting any moment when suddenly you felt something soft tickling your leg. Looking down you saw a silhouette of something fluffy. It looked up at you with red eyes which scared you to death.


You throat already hurts a lot and with that scream you could feel your throat burning. Feeling lightheaded and soon you fainted.





You opened your eyes and looked around. Realizing that you have passed out and you were laying on a bed. Remembering what happened and thought you fainted from getting scared. You looked up and were met with a pair of mesmerizing brown eyes.

"You alright? When I got back home i saw you passed out on the floor. Did anything happened?"

"Yea I'm okay.." you managed to answer as your throat hurts a lot. You closed your eyes trying to ease the dizziness. Then you felt pressure on your lap. You opened your eyes and there's a little rabbit on you. Looking at you with those oh so familiar red eyes.


Realization hits you hard. Who knew that those creepy red eyes belong to this little innocent of fur ball. You then let of a laugh and Blanc looked at you with a smile. "I see you have met Cotton already"

You looked at him confused "Cotton?" Blanc nodded and told you that it was a stay rabbit that he named after meeting for quite a few times. "So,how did you guys meet?" You were about to tell him when suddenly you broke into a coughing fit. "So I hear- *cough* bushes rustling- *cough cough*" You kept coughing and started to feel dizzy again. Blanc went to get some pills for you. You muttered a 'thank you' and took the pills.

You swallowed them after drinking water and wanted to continue your story but before you could say anything Blanc had stopped you from doing so. He pushed you back down on the bed and pulled the covers over you. "How about you tell me the tale of how (Y/n) and Mr Cotton met after taking a rest"

You thought it was a good idea and decided to take a nap. Soon after you closed your eyes you felt someone pressed their lips on your forehead.

"Get better soon,princess"


OOF,sorry if this is not what you expected ;v; 

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