Jonah x Tsundere!Loli looking!Reader

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Sorry if Jonah is OOC.


(f/n) = Friend's name

Jonah is 21 and the reader is 20

This happens in a modern AU

Requested by:  Neko_Todoroki_Nya


"W-wha- you didn't tell me that he would come,baka!!"

"Oh sorry hun,I forgot~"

"Forgot my ass..."

"God damn you (F/n),I will get you back for this" you muttered under your breath but loud enough for (F/n) to hear. "Aw c'mon (Y/n),you know you're gonna like it~" they weren't wrong though. You,in fact do like him a lot. But of course being the tsundere you were,you would deny it. Your face started to heat up at the thought of him. Sure,he had one hell of a personality but damn he makes everyone's heart go doki doki.

"H-hey!" you squeaked as (F/n) pinched your cheeks. "Why do you have to be so cute (Y/n)!! The fact that you're short makes it even better!" You didn't know if you should take that as a compliment or an insult. You felt conflicted.

"Baka!! W-what was that supposed to mean- ACK" (F/n) stopped you in the middle of your sentence and dragged you to the entrance of the amusment park. "Hey guys! Glad you could make it!" 

'Oh my god oh my god'

You weren't prepared for this. You never knew this day would come. The day you got to hang out with your crush.

(F/n) could read you like a book and smirked. You shot them a glare which made them snickered. At the entrance,there stood Jonah and Kyle. "Yo sup dude! Long time no see. How have ya been?" (F/n) and Kyle were childhood friends. They walked away and started to catch up with each other. "H-hey (F/n)! DON'T LEAVE ME HERE!" (F/n) only turned around,gave you a wink and kept walking. You were dumbfounded. You started to panic. You didn't know what to do. Go up to Jonah and say hi?

You were silently hyperventilating and a smooth voice brought you back to reality. "Hey,shorty"  you looked up and was met with a pair of amber eyes. They looked so beautiful. "W-what do you want." You started to calm down a bit. "Well,since they left us here. Why don't we go ahead and enjoy ourselves?"

'Did he just....asked me to hang out with him? Should I say yes? This is a once in a life time opportunity.'

"So?" he broke you out of your trance once again. 'Well,there doesn't seem to have any other choices. Might as well go with him...' "F-fine! Not t-that I like you or anything!" he smirked and nodded "Well,let's go then." the both of you went into the amusment park and you were speechless. The last time you went to this amusment park was when you were a little girl...with him. It brought back the nostalgic memories. 'It sure changed a lot here...'

You were day dreaming again and Jonah started to head to god-knows where. "H-hey! Wait up!" you ran up next to him "I won't if you're just gonna stand there and stare at nothing." you huffed and hit someone's back.


You walked back a bit and saw Jonah just stood there. "Hey! What are y-" he turned around and a mischievous look glinted in his eyes. "Wanna do something...extreme first?"

You raised an eyebrow. You looked behind him and you could feel your jaw dropped. 'Holy shet' it was a roller coaster ride. It looked like it could kill anyone. Just by looking at it was enough to make you puke. You gulped.

"What? Are you scared?" Jonah teased you. You glared at him and crossed your arms. "Of course not!" "I bet you already peed your pants just by sitting in the cart"

"Is that a challenge?"


"Hah! It wasn't that scary!" you left from the exit of the ride with a sulking Jonah behind you. "Your screams hurt my ears." he complained.

"So does your high notes"


Since Jonah lost the bet. He needed to buy you a strawberry flavoured ice cream. "There" Jonah paid for your ice cream and you ate it happily. You finished your ice cream and Jonah stared at you. "What?" Jonah used his finger to wipe the corner of your lips. "W-what are you doing?" He looked back at his finger and licked it shamelessly. "Mhm,it tasted the same."


"The taste of the ice cream tasted the same...let's go"



"Ugh,this is hard" you put the toy gun down on the counter grumpily. The person on the other side of the counter laughed "Why don't ya give your brother a try aye?" 


Jonah looked at me and laughed "That's what you get for being short and looked like a 9 years old-"


Then you punched Jonah on the shoulder. "Oh sorry ma'am" the guy behind the counter held back a chuckle. "Well,let me start this over,yea? Why don't you give your boyfriend a try then?" I was about to protest but Jonah cut me off while taking the toy gun in his hands. "Sure"

'...DId hE jUSt'

He shot down the bottles with ease and won a giant hamster plushie. "Here" he shoved the plushie to my face. I took it and examined it. "Why did you give this to me? N-not that I feel thankful of anything,hmph!"

"The reason doesn't matter. And you better be thankful for it,shorty"



It was night time and the stars started to come out. You were not sitting on the bench with Jonah. "Hey" you called out. He turned his attention to you and looked at you with those curious eyes.

"Not gonna lie...I had fun today" you muttered. He smiled subconsciously "Well,glad to know you enjoyed my company."

"But that doesn't mean I l-like you or anything." you finished your hot dog and hugged the plushie that Jonah gave you. "And I didn't ask you if you like me or not?"

'Ah shet'

"J-just don't get the wrong idea!" you hugged the plushie closer to you. Feeling embarrassed. "You mean vice versa?"

"Shut up!" Jonah leaned closer to you and whispered in  your ear "You know,you're cute when you're angry." you tried to hit him with the hamster plushie "I-I'm not cute!" he dodged your hit and a smug look appeared on his face. "Mhm,just proving my point here."

He leaned back and looked at the stars. You followed his gaze and the light of the stars reflected in  your eyes. Jonah looked back at you and he was amazed by your eyes. To his dismay you closed your eyes. Enjoying the peace,you leaned on Jonah's shoulder.

"You never changed...did you?"


Then you felt someone's lips on yours.

You shot your eyes open and your face turned red. He parted from you and got up,while you're still in shock.

"Let's go now,it's late" you could feel him smirk as he walked away.

"W-WHAT WAS THAT FOR AND WAIT FOR ME!" you stood up and ran after him.

"I've told you. I won't wait for you when you're daydreaming"


I hope you like it <3

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