Chapter 2

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Tears trailed down Bela's eyes as she saw this photo

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Tears trailed down Bela's eyes as she saw this photo. She remembered how nervous he was to ask her for that party. Now thinking of it she felt that it was all just a facade.


Bela... I wanted to ask you something... Hmmm.... Actually... I wanted to ask... If you don't mind... I wanted you to accompany me... If you are fine with it... It's ok if you don't want to... If you have already agreed to go with someone else, it's fine... I just wanted to ask you once...

Mahir's stammering session came to an end by Bela's laughter.

Yaar Bela... I am talking to you and you are laughing... Mahir pouted.

Sorry Sir... But I couldn't control myself seeing The Mahir Sehgal stammering... Bela spoke after she composed herself.

Mahir again looked nervous. Bela saw him sitting still with his eyes closed.

Mahir took a deep breath and spoke out what he intended to ask.

Bela will you please be My Date for the party this Sunday??? Mahir asked.

Finally... Late but I knew you would ask me... I was actually waiting for you to ask me and rejected everyone else too... Bela mumbled to herself but Mahir sitting beside her, heard it.

Yeah sure Sir... Bela replied and Mahir frowned.

Mahir opened his eyes and turned to face Bela.

Sir??? Mahir glared at Bela.

Yeah sure Mahir... Bela replied once again and this time Mahir smiled.

Someone was waiting for me to ask??? Mahir's words shocked Bela.

She was cursing herself for saying it out loudly and to worse the situation her cheeks turned to the darkest shade of red.

Wear something white... Bela was glad that he changed the topic.

Ok... Bela agreed.


Whom should I trust??? I just can see Love and Honesty in Mahir's eyes... But I even know Shravani wouldn't lie about something this serious...

BeHir & ShraHir FF : A Twisted Tale Of The Broken Hearts (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now