💚 - Chapter 4 - 💚

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I watched Hinata walk away from us obviously annoyed with what his mother asked of him. I didn't even realize the small smile that worked it's way onto my face as I thought about him. I heard Miss Hinata snicker a little so I turn and face her. " Hm? What is it? " I ask her curiously.

" Oh, it's nothing just the way you and Hinata act around eachother. You must be pretty close? " She spoke with a hum in her voice.

My face softened as I thought about it. My cheeks slightly heating up. " We are really close...friends. He is one of the only I've had. " I laugh softly to myself, but on the inside I don't know why it hurt so much to say he was a friend. That's what we are.

" Hey..Nagito do you know that myth about finding your Soulmate? "

I was snapped out of my thoughts once she said that. I thought for a moment. " Ah, the one about blowing on dandelions? Yes I do. You'd be surprised how many people talk about it at school. I haven't tried it in a long long time."

" Does Hajime talk about it? " Miss Hinata spoke a little bit of worry in her voice. I wouldn't know why that was in her tone. But come to think of it no. He never does. If someone brings it up a very pained expression crosses his face and he leave the area.

" Actually...no he doesn't. Do you know why? " I look at his mom egarly for an awnser. If Hajime is pained by something and I could do anything to console him I would.

" Hm...I shouldn't be the one to tell you. Ask Hajime about it. He is a stubborn piece of work you and I both know that. But I believe you can get through to him with this situation. " She stands up and walks over to a patch of grass that peaked out from the sidewalk and picked a dandelion. She smiled sadly down at it and held it out to me. I hesitantly took it. " I just want to confirm something. "

" Okay...? " I mumbled as I looked down at the dandelion I held in my hands I gently blew on it all the seeds going directly down, but it didn't stop moving it turned to the right and continued to go then stopped as soon as it was blocked by someone's shoe that stepped on them. I looked up my mouth slightly open in confusion. Hajime stood there his face in pure annoyance. He held the drinks in both of his hands. I quicky looked over at Hinata's mother and she chuckled with a small nod. I jumped as I felt Hinata grab my hand and yank out the dandilion. He ripped it in half throwing it on the ground stomping on it.

" Mom! Don't fill his head with all that talk of the stupid Myth. It's dumb and not true.." He angrily placed the drinks on the table and walked back into her shop closing the door behind him the bell ringing violently.

" That was something.." I mumbled folding my hands together on my lap. I wasn't sure what this meant. I don't know what it means when the dandelions go to the ground and to the right. Why did they stop right at Hinata's feet? W-Was he? No. No. Not possible. I don't even know how this myth works it could just be a coincidence. Also I-I don't even like him that way...do I? No. NO! I don't. E-Even if I did Haji-Hinata doesn't even like me that way. Plus he doesn't believe in this myth. So why would he accept anything I said.

" Nagito..you should go talk to him." His mother spoke sadly with a sigh. She grabbed her drink and sipped it slowly. I nodded grabbing Hinata's and my drink. I stood up and walked into the shop.

Looking around for him. I found him in the storage area sat ontop of bags of flower seed. His arms were crossed as he sat and looked down. So I couldn't see his facial expression.

I took a deep breath and put a smile on my face walking over to him. " Hey Hinata. " I sat next to him holding his drink in my hand along with mine. I took a sip from my own then spoke again. " If you don't take yours I'm going to help myself to it. All your money spent on me. How horrible. " I jokingly brought his cup up to my lips and pretended to take a sip from it. " Ah! Delicious! What flavor is that orange and lime? " Hinata jerked his head towards me. His eyes widened in confusion.

" Y-You actually took a sip of my drink? Because that is exactly what I got.." He mumbled in confusion. I shook my head and chuckled a little. Ah, my guess was correct how lucky.

" No I didn't, I wouldn't do that Hinata. " I smiled at him and held out his drink to him. He scoffed then took the drink. " I see that smile. " I smiled back and took another sip of my own drink while Hinata groaned in embarrassment. He is cute when he is being stuborn. Ah! I can't be thinking that. I shook my head and getting my mind away from that thought I bit my lip harshly and I winced lightly as I started to taste blood. Gasping lightly I held my hand over my mouth to block any from falling onto the ground or Hinata seeing.

" Ko? Are you alright? " Hinata spoke from behind me. I was facing away from him so I just mumbled back a small yes. But I guess he didn't hear me and stood up walking over to face me. Hinata had a worried expression on his face that is normally scrunched up in annoyance. " Hey, let me see...please. " I never hear him say please often so I comply bringing my hand down for him to see a cut on my lip that was continuing to trickle down my lip and down my chin. I catch it with my hands. " Komeada! How did you even-? Come on I'm taking you to wash up.. "

All I did was smile softly and nod.


Ooooo~ an on time chapter! How rare!

Guess I really am back from hiatus.

Hehe I'm glad to be back!

I love y'all for reading this story


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2021 ⏰

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