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"Where did that brat go. Damnit!" I giggled at the fact that I was right under their noses, literally. When they finally left I took in my surroundings.

'A sewer, maybe I can actually find them'

I was very nervous down here. Now I'm no girly girl who who can reach Ariana Grandes singing voice at the sight of a ladybug. But I was girl so I wasn't exactly a 'sewer' kinda person.
'I swear (y/n), if I die imma kill you'

... My brain was threatening me. Great.

I started walking, and walking, and walking. This was getting boring really fast. Then I heard and scream and someone else yell. I thought they needed my help.
'Never fear! (Y/n) is here!'

I ran, following the voices, only to find a tricked out secret base!

"Yo! This is so cool! I could so make this work." I then noticed figures standing in the shadows. I knew I couldn't take them on as they stood over me so I decided to scare them off. I got in a fighting stance and said the first thing that came to my mind.

"Hey I'm trained in the art of... Origami!" I heard someone chuckle as the 5 figures stepped out.

~Thus the time skip~

"Its not funny... Stop laughing." The turtles were now laughing at me as sensei explained to them what origami was.

"P-paper folding... Skilled" Mikey was dying while the other three were trying to be polite.... I think, and stifle they're chuckles. These turtles, I swear.

Cinderella and her Prince Turtle Where stories live. Discover now