Chapter 1: I Surrender

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(3rd POV)

A faint light emanates into the dark interrogation room, softly lighting up the area around a criminal who has turned herself in recently. That girls name is Hirabayashi (Y/n). She and her family are renowned villains throughout the entire of Japan for creating absolute chaos in large areas by using their powerful quirks. (Y/n) was especially notable as she was the only daughter and had a combination of some of their quirks and was considered one of the more powerful members in her family.

"So why did you decide to turn yourself in?" The interrogator asks with a deep commanding voice, "What happened to the rest of your family Hirabayashi (Y/n)?"

"Because I wanted to..." (Y/n)'s eyes glow faintly in the dim room with her gaze laying onto the cold desk, "There's no other reason."

"You're going to be charged with many criminal counts; are you prepared for that? Your family has caused wreck and havoc throughout the entire of Japan and you were responsible for a good portion of it," He throws a stack of papers in front of her.

She gazes softly and sadly at the pictures of her involvement with many incidents that her family has caused. Pictures ranging from fires to explosions to floods spread out onto the table, making the girl reminisce about her criminal days.

"Do whatever you want to me; it doesn't matter anymore..." She shifts in the chair and notices the interrogator lean back uncomfortably from her moving just slightly, "I'm not going to do anything so don't worry."

Her gaze intensifies as she looks into his eyes, "Like I said when I first came here, I surrender..."


"We need to lock her up; we've seen what that family can do," The detective throws the clipboard onto the desk behind him as he exits the interrogation room and groans, "she's not cooperating at all; every time I ask her why she turned herself in, she just says that she just decided to".

"The problem is that she is so young and we don't know if we should actually trust her," Another policeman adds while crossing his arms, "this is a strange case indeed".

Behind the one way mirror, (Y/n) gazes at her reflection and sighs deeply. The detectives and policemen look at her through the glass in confusion knowing that if she wanted to, she could break out of the interrogation room straight away.

"We will take it from here!" An energetic voice rings out to the detectives, making them turn around.

"Principal of U.A!" The straighten their backs and show respect for the principal of U.A, known as Nezu.

Nezu sits on top of All Might and waves his paw, signalling them to raise their heads, "We heard about the only daughter of the Hirabayashi family being caught! We have got permission from the government to take her into our high school for surveillance."

"But sir!" one detective waves his arms in exasperation, "You realise that she is a dangerous criminal! Why would you endanger the students like that?"

All Might places Nezu down onto the table next to him and exclaims in a confident voice, "It was the government's decision. She is still a young teenager that can develop into a great person one day so we decided to take her in instead of placing her in jail! Furthermore, if she warms up to us then we might be able to get information about her family."

"That makes sense... though how will you convince her to go along with you?" The detectives crosses his arms and taps his foot, uneasy about a villain being let into the highschool.

"Let us into the room; we will convince her," Nezu declares, placing his paw onto his chest.


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