Chapter 15: Trust

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(3rd POV)

"So have you decided yet (Y/n)? You're taking forever," Bakugou places the menu down as he slowly begins to regret his decision to bring her to a dessert shop.

Observing (Y/n) for a while now, Bakugou's noticed that she likes to eat a lot and seems to enjoy that quite a bit. So that's why he decided to bring her to a dessert shop as these places typically serve sweets that you wouldn't typically make at home.

"Not yet..." (Y/n) flips back to the first page once more, muttering to herself, "This one looks good too though..."

Bakugou's right eye twitches as he watches her flip back to the front page for the 6th time now, "I'm just going to order for you idiot. You're taking forever."

Raising his hand to beckon the waiter over, Bakugou orders for the both of them, "I'll get chocolate cake and she'll have the tall rainbow parfait."

(Y/n) lets out a small huff when the waiter walks away with the menus and sticks her tongue out at him slightly, "I could've ordered for myself."

As time passes with them discussing the fight while also chatting about aimless topics, their desserts arrive. (Y/n) gazes in amazement at the giant parfait in front of her eyes right now, staring at each and every layer carefully as she wonders what it'll taste like.

Bakugou watches her amusingly as he stares at her use the long spoon to scoop a bit out and get some different ingredients placed on the layers. She stares at it in shock for a moment and places her mouth; her eyes widening at the sweetness and taste.


(Y/n) continues to scoop more into her mouth, taking in each undiscovered flavour gradually. Stopping for a moment to take a small break, (Y/n) looks up to find that Bakugou is staring at her with a small smile on his face. (Y/n)'s eyes widen as she looks at the serene expression his face holds as he continues to stare at her simply eating a layered dessert.

She understands what his expression means, though choosing not to say anything or comment about it as his small smile is something she wants to see as well. Instead, (Y/n) scoops into the glass, taking out some vanilla ice cream and mochi and gestures to Bakugou to take a bite.

Leaning in, he eats the scoop of ice cream and swallows, commenting quietly, "Sweet..."

(Y/n) then smiles and continues to scoop the different layers into her mouth excitedly.

Bakugou chuckles while smirking as he takes a napkin and wipes the excess cream that's fallen onto her cheek, whispering gently, "Slow down idiot..."

Blushing, (Y/n) takes the napkin and wipes her mouth shyly. This evokes a teasing smile to arise onto Bakugou's face as he observes her sudden timid and shy nature in contrast to her usual prideful confident self. It makes him want to push her buttons and tease her.

"Getting shy with me on such a small gesture?" Bakugou huskily whispers, "What are we going to do once we go further? Will you still act shy then?"

(Y/n)'s eyebrow raises slightly as she pouts at him and angrily, yet playfully, replies with, "I'll kill you..."

The two continue to have a peaceful date with one another. The mood almost being as if the two were normal students enjoying their youthful love around each other.

After finishing their quick dessert meal, Bakugou immediately remembers a place that (Y/n) will definitely enjoy as she seems to enjoy beautiful views.

"Come here," Bakugou takes her hand into his, leading (Y/n) behind him, "Maybe you'll like this little shitty place I found before."


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