Chapter Thirty Seven

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When I got back to the room, it was dark and quiet. I knocked on the bedroom door. I heard her unlock it and it opened. I could tell she had been crying, her eyes were still red.

"M'lady, would you please accompany me?" I asked, extending my hand for hers.

"What are you doing Niall?"

"I'm taking you somewhere." I picked up her coat and handed it to her.

We walked hand in hand to the elevator. She went to push level 1 but I stopped her and hit the button that took us to the roof.

"Why are we going to the roof?"


We remained silent the trip up to the roof. When we got off the elevator, we had to climb a few awkward steps to get to the outside.

I opened the door to the roof to reveal a lit up, gorgeous view of the city, string lights everywhere, and dinner for two.

She stepped out and looked around her and sighed. I wrapped my arms around her from behind.

"What is this, Niall?"

"It's dinner in New York City, with an amazing view."

"That I can see. What is this supposed to change what I said downstairs?"

"Huh, no, it means I'm trying to make you happy." She turned and looked at me, tears once again forming in her eyes. "Siobhan, what's wrong?"

"You know damn well this isn't what I meant, Niall. This little whatever it is, is meant to shut me up for another couple of weeks or months before I get irritated with the situation again."

"That's not it at all."

She rolled her eyes. "Niall, I understood when you told me about this stupid thing. I've always been understanding about this shit but I'm fucking tired of it. More so now that the others have girlfriends and they aren't letting management get in the way of living their lives with people they care about. I told you I wanted to go out and see this city. Not to be taken up to a private hotel roof and look at it like this. I can get that at the damn Empire State Building, which I'd like to visit, with you!"

"Siobhan, I'm trying to make this better."

"Well, you failed."

"What do you want me to do?!"

She looked at me like I was stupid. "I literally told you what I wanted you to do. Take me out and the world be damned." There was more horrible silence before she said the words I never thought she'd say. "I can't do this anymore, Niall."


"I can't do this anymore. I know dreams change and alter and so do the people involved. It was stupid of me to think that the dreams we made up together when we were ten would actually ever come to fruition."


"Please let me finish. Life back home, in that stupid town, is not easy for me at the moment. I feel guilty for leaving my dad to take care of things by himself. I feel guilty for cancelling plans to come see you so I can stay and help him. It's exhausting. I keep feeling like I'm putting my life on hold for people who aren't even noticing it. I need a break."

I looked up at her, not sure if I was understanding her. "A break from what?"

"I don't know. This. That. Life. Us."

"You don't mean that!"

"I don't want to be saying this, Niall. My feelings for you have not changed. I doubt they ever will but perhaps we need to grow up a little bit....apart."

"Siobhan, you're talking crazy."

"Am I? Niall, I can't even get you to take me out on a real date. Do you know how many real dates we've gone on? One! And, you know I'm not the girl that always needs to go out or be doted on, I just would like it once in awhile and you keep using this management crap as an excuse. It's old, it's stupid, it's beyond anyone's fucking comprehension how they would expect you to remain single for all of eternity. I'm tired of sneaking around. I'm tired of Louis being the only one who ever wants to go out with me, alone. I'm just plain tired, Niall."

She walked up to me, us both now crying. She pressed her hands to my cheeks, forcing our eyes to meet. "Please, don't do this," I begged.

"I can't not do this, Niall. I don't want to but I need to, for me." She whispered as she placed her lips softly onto mine. "I need to do this for me."

"You're my best friend," I said, sobbing into her shoulder as we both held on to the other for dear life.

We both fell to the floor of the roof, holding on so tightly. I could hear her crying and sniffling. After awhile, we both pulled away to look at each other. She took my hand as we went back down to our room. I watched as she packed up her few belongings.

"I'll take you to the airport," I whispered.

She didn't say anything. I didn't tell anyone we were leaving. I got us a taxi and we rode in silence. Once at the airport, I got her ticket home switched. I watched as she checked her bags and stood in line for security. I went in to give her a hug, which she allowed.

"You're my best friend, Siobhan." I whispered in her ear.

She let go and looked at me before turning to get in line to go through security. The line moved quite quickly and before I knew it, she took once last look behind at me and then she was gone.

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