Nathson the Man who Failed

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The Mage let out a naisley growl that turned into a laugh. His vains popped out of his neck and sweat dribbled down his chin. The other two men stood behind him and watched the woman struggle for air. She glanced at Nathson and for a moment all rational thought left his brain.

In two quick strides Nathson was towering over the mage. He swung his switch blade for the mages neck. Clank. His blade bounced off of Gavins sword.

Gavin stepped in front of the mage and swung his sword into Nathson bare arm. Nathson held back the urge to pull away and stabbed the tip of his knife into Gavins gut. Nathson grabbed the sword and held it up in defense.

"Martin," Gavin hissed. The mage started to chat a spell but he was too slow. Nathson held the sword to Martins chest. His expression cold and without any life.

"Wait!" Martin cried out. "You can't kill us! If you do that girl you were with will die."

Nathson looked down at the woman who seemed to be regaining her strength in light of the distraction.

"I do not care."

"Not her. The one from the tavern." Gaven hissed.

"Walk out of here with us now and we'll let the two of you go," Martin said.

Did they really have Jensa, Nathson wondered. She was one of their best fighters she wouldn't have been caught so easily. Not unless something was on her mind.

"And what about her?" Nathson gestured over to the woman. They locked eyes, but Nathson quickly looked away.

What was it about her that made Nathson pity her? Was he really so shallow to let her delicate features get the best of him? No. It was the look behind her eyes that said "I won't give up."

"Only what she deserves," Gavin said. Something was off about that man, but Nathson couldn't put his finger on it.

"You have a deal," Nathson and Martin shook hands.

"You're lying you don't have her. They only know she exists because you made a scene at the bar." Iza tried to convince Nathson. She slowly stood up using the wall. "You go with them you're dead."

"Iza, you're not the only one with a brain you know. Don't forget we know you better than anyone else. We suspected something like this would happen so we took precaution. Now Nathson put down the knife." Martin smiled showing his crooked teeth. Nathson dropped his knife. "Shall we then?"

Martin started to lead Nathson back up the stairs. How could he be so reckless? It was bad enough he was captured but he let one of his group members get caught too. They were half way up the stairs when he noticed the other two men weren't with them.

"They're not coming?"

"No, I'm afraid that Iza must be dealt with soon as possible," Martin told him. There was too little boys up stairs playing tag. "I have to leave again. I'll be back. Try to not drive your mother crazy." The boys stopped playing.

"Is Iza not going with you?" One of them asked.

"Iza isn't feeling well."

Nathson and Martin left the house. The sun peeked over the horizon. People of all races littered the street. Nathson even caught a glance of a man with horns and a tail like a bull. He had never seen this new race before. They only sprouted up a few years ago. There is a rumor going around that they were once human.

"What did she do," Nathson asked. Martin ignored him and continued to walk. Nathson dropped the subject. They walked for another fifteen minutes before stopping at a bank. It was large for the size of the town. The pillars and arches lead Nathson to believe it was a Zanken building. They went inside and Martin lead him down a secret passageway. They stopped in front of a large wooden door. Martin went inside the room where people of all different races were scattered about.

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