C H A P T E R 7

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Y/n grabbed her bag from her treehouse and started walking away from it and toward her house. The house was her childhood house, despite living with new people. What a coincidence it was that they, of all people, would be the buyers of the place?

It took a lot of convincing herself to get back into her house, though still held some resentment towards the decision. She questioned why she tolerated bullshit regularly. They worked, but Y/n knew better than to think they did it to care for her. Maybe it was so they didn't get in trouble with the state for abusing her? Who knew, Y/n was going to be able to leave them soon anyways.

"But why wait if I could just...hurt them a bit? I mean, I won't be doing too much damage. Nothing the doctors can't fix." A smile crept to her face as she thought of all the ways she could hurt her 'parents.'

Y/n was now pacing, trying to get to her house.

"Break their noses, gouge their eyes out, make them throw up...the delight!" Her hands tugged at her hair. The pained expressions on their face, their pleading for mercy, she wanted it all. And she was going to get it at all costs.

The female opened the door and looked around. Hank and Marley were passed out on the couch, drunk. A flick of sadistic intentions went through her eyes. She grabbed a knife from the knife stand and pressed her fingertips onto the cool metal. How did mass amounts of blood look on it? Would it be cold? Would the knife stay cold? She needed answers.

Hank rubbed his eyes as he started to awaken. There was a noise that seemed to disturb him. What was it?

"Hey there, daddy-kins!" Y/n's face seemed to pop right into his vision. She looked different, though. There was a smile on her smile. When was the last time he'd ever seen her smile?

"What... do you want you fucking brat?"

"Aw, that's not how you treat your daughter."

"Never call yourself my daughter."

"Mean! Guess you'll just have to pay."

"Y/n what are you... talking about-" There was a pain in his right wrist that only seemed to grow. He let out a loud groan.

"Let's talk about all those fun moments where you would hit me. Fun times, right? I would cry sometimes, you'd laugh as I was struggling to stay conscious. How the tables have turned."  She stabbed his stomach, her smile only growing as he started to cough up blood.

"Y/n sweetie, let's talk about this. You know-" The knife went into his throat, being stabbed multiple times.

"Shut up. You don't get to talk." He laid dead on the couch as Y/n giggled maniacally. She licked the knife as if it were a lollipop. The blood tasted anything. The blood of the one who once hurt her was now there, dead.

Y/n then goes to wake Marely, who was very passed out. The female grasped the older woman's hair and pulled it, letting her fall to the ground. She was starting to wake up.

"Wake up fucking bitch." Y/n held more resentment towards Marely. She only stood by and laughed as Y/n was hurt. She was the one who decided on adopting her. It was all Marley's fucking fault.

"Y/n-" A pained scream filled the room as the h/c-haired girl stepped down harshly on the woman's stomach. Marely started to throw up blood, and Y/n gave a sadistic smile.

"Look at how useless you are. What are you going to do? Call the cops? Look at your lovely husband. Dead! And guess who's next?" Y/n grabbed her chin harshly to make sure she was looking at her now-deceased husband. The look in her eyes was full of terror.

"Why would you d-do this?" Y/n started to laugh, caressing Marely's cheek.

"Oh, but that's where you're wrong, mother. You did this to yourself. All those times you stood there idly, just laughing as I got hurt. You had the power then to stop it but decided to let it be. Now, look at you. As much as you want to stop the sight in front of you, you can't! You're a useless bitch now!" And before any more could be said, Y/n jabbed the knife into her chest. She repeated the action until her hand started to cramp.

The female stood in front of the sight, panting heavily. This was her work. She was the mastermind behind this. She was the reason why they were dead.

"And yet, it only makes me so much happier." She mumbled to herself. Y/n realized that she had to leave before someone came and find out what had happened.

She ran out the door and into the woods, trying her best to ignore the static in her ears. Everything was starting to come to her. She had committed 2 homicides successfully. And shocking of all didn't regret shit about it.

The female stopped by a nearby lake to take a breath. She threw the knife into the body of water, then crouched down and looked at the site. Ringing was now added into her ears, and she tried her best to ignore it.

Y/n soon got back up to start running. Though when she got up, she felt something wrap around her body, then a pain in her stomach. Her body went limp, and she soon fell unconscious.


The Slenderman.

What a mysterious being he was. Found the normal difficult and weird, and found the abnormal interesting. He's helped several of those who were struggling and made them have meaning to their life. And now Y/n was about to be one of those victims.

Slender hid in the shadows, watching over the female for quite some time. He was very discreet about it too. She didn't get headaches or any sign of slender sickness. She lived just as how she thought was normal.

But the entity knew. He knew she was crazy from the beginning. Multiple times did she prove that. And only recently did she deem herself worthy of serving for him.

Slenderman also saw a drive in the girl he hadn't seen for a long time. Slight confidence, knowing when to speak up and not backing down from a fight. Wouldn't she be great to hold a form of power?

Umbrakanesis. The power to manipulate and control shadows. It can be used to form knives, teleport, and much more. An ability like such can harm a regular body very easily though. And Y/n's body had already been weakened due to mental illness and past experiences. So Slender devised a plan. She would not be human anymore. She would become a ghost serving as a proxy. This would give her two powers.

Was this dangerous? Yes. But Slender saw Y/n. He knew that she would have what it takes to become a proxy. She was a diamond above the rest. The female held different morals and different ambitions in life. Maybe, just maybe, would she be able to bear this responsibility.

The one unexplained factor was Masky's mission. He was to kill Y/n, according to the operator. But then, why had Slender given her a chance to become a proxy?

Well, it was simple, really. Slender had a feeling that his child, Masky, was going to fall into that same hole he fell into when he first came. And that, above all, was to be avoided at all costs. Also, Y/n and Masky had similar mindsets. Maybe if they'd interact, they'd seem to understand each other. Then will Masky not act so cold and distant towards someone new?


Y/n was at the end of a long, dark hallway. The only light source was from the other end of the hall. A door that was just barely opened, yet gave so much light.

Without any thought, the girl started to walk towards the door. There was still static in her ears and only got louder and powerful as she neared the door. She gave two knocks. Y/n didn't want to walk in on something she didn't want to.

"Child, come to me."

The voice was so demanding, yet it felt like it was the voice she had been searching for all these years. Y/n opened the door more and was blinded by the light. She could only see a tall man in a suit. Though she couldn't make out his face.

"Hello, my child, I am Slenderman. But please, address me as sir."

His voice boomed, and the static started to die down. Y/n wanted to talk but wasn't able to form words.

"I can tell you are very tired. Please, gets some rest, and we will discuss your being after." After the sentence, Y/n's world started to fade into darkness.

. . .

1442 words for your wonderful souls <3 Edited


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