C H A P T E R 17

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Eyeless Jack.

The creature known by the internet as a demon who eats human organs, specifically kidneys. He'd stalk you, and would either have highly animalistic killing styles or very neat and organized ones.

Around the mansion, however, he's known to be a very, how should I say this, 'chill' guy.

The demon is very reserved, often spending his time out in the woods or with Dr.Smiley, trying to refine his skills as a doctor. Because from what he can remember from his old life, he remembers his fascination with the human body. That and his want to save human lives. At least one of those were fulfilled.

And though he wasn't always completely happy with being a demon, there were some definite positives that he wouldn't ever decide to take back. For example, his heightened senses. E.J could hear noises over 200 feet away, and his ability to distinguish between smells almost subconsciously. It truly was a gift.

Or maybe, in this given morning, it was a curse made by the devil himself.

E.J wasn't too sure of the time, but it had to have been early. Early enough where the type of yelling that was emitting from all the way in the common room was most definitely not ideal. (Living room, but everyone decided to call it a common room because some of the more dead creepypastas felt offended by it.)

He contemplated for a while, deciding that he'd use his 'scary demon' abilities to make whoever it was fighting shut up. Maybe it was because he had only just woken up, but E.J couldn't make out the voice of one of the voices, only that it was a feminine one.

Going down the stairs at an abnormally fast rate, E.J remembered overhearing some talk of a non-creepypasta entering the mansion to clean after them. And to that, E.J had to commend Slender for. Because sure, this house was a hell hole, but the least it could do was make sure it had livable conditions.

However, E.J had still found it suspicious. Slender had never cared for their needs or wants, so why now?

Finally reaching the bottom of the stairs, E.J walked to where the common area would be, E.J was met with two- no three people in the room, two arguing.

"You want to talk about my attitude? Bold coming from someone who can't back down because Heaven forbid a man admits to being wrong!"

"I'm wrong?!" Masky says, a scoff in his voice.

"Oh sorry, didn't mean to challenge your masculinity there."

E.J looked away from the two, and towards BEN, who was recording the whole exchange. The glitched seemed more than ecstatic that this was happening. Though when he made eye contact with the demon, they immediately straightened up, putting his phone down, and walking over to E.J.

"I tried to stop it but you know, it's such a rare occurrence that people want to argue with Masky. So why waste this time trying to get them to stop?" BEN explained, placing his hands behind his head. E.J ony grumbled, followed by a loud sigh. The sigh had caught Y/n's attention, making her turn her head.

"I presume this is the 'maid' I heard about."

"Ah, keen ear E.J." BEN mockingly said, floating above the ground so that him and E.j were closer in eye level.

"Who the fuck- you know what? I'm not even going to ask." Y/n said, rubbing her forehead in frustration.

"No, please go on Y/n. I'd love to hear all about it." Y/n shot BEN a glare, to which the glitch only smiled back.

"I really don't have the energy for this- whatever you two decide to do, do it quietly." E.J said, pinching his skin with his dagger like nails. Y/n only shrugged, turning back to look back at Masky. Though to her surprisement, he had already left.

'How did he leave so quickly and quietly?'

BEN waited for Y/n to do something, walk up to him, anything. Though she didn't. It was like she was awestruck or something.

"Yo, Y/N, go outside, I'll catch up with you." BEN said.Y/n nodded, grabbing the water bottle and then exiting out the door. BEN then sighed, happy that for once she had actually listened to him. Just as he was going to follow Y/n outside, E.J stopped him.

"BEN, That's no maid, is it?"

. . .

April 29,2020: Hey guys. Sorry for the late update and the late chapter. I just kinda lost motivation on this chapter. I promise I'll start updating quicker and longer chapters. It's just with online school stuff has been really hard. I hope you guys understand!! Bye!!

June 12, 2022: The way I completely changed the way BEN acts-




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