This is Jack, he us around 8 to 10 weeks old and his mother is or was a street cat. Yesterday around noon I found him in my yard, after a little coaxing he ended up running into my garage (which I will admit isn't the cleanest) it took almost an hour to find and catch him. This was just the beginning, after we caught him we had to figure out about how old he was check for any signs that he was sick, and of course feed him.
After all of that was done, and with a clean bill of health other than some fleas it was time to think of a name, we cycled through several different names before deciding on Jack (like jack-o-lantern).
At this point he had not used the bathroom which is normal for a kitten his age, we decided to let him sleep and see how he was doing the next morning.
By morning he was doing better than ever and hungry. He even used the bathroom this afternoon, one of the best outcomes we could hope for.
But that doesn't stop the fact that him being on the streets could have been avoided had his mother whether a stray or house cat had been spayed.
I know there is no way to spay every cat in the world nor should they all be, but we can all do our part to keep kittens off the street you can check with local shelters they often give out traps to catch the strays in your area and the shelters even have times when they spay and neuter strays for free.
I don't know how Jack's story will go but I do know that he is strong and won't give up without a fight, I will be updating this weekly maybe more but until then on the lighter side have some pictures.
Non-FictionThis is a nonfiction story about a cat I found in my yard yesterday. I will be updating it weekly in a hope of teaching anyone reading about not only the importance of spaying and neutering your own cats, but also looking out for the cats that live...