Chapter 4

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Alex POV

"Aleeeeexxxxxxx!!!!!!!" I heard someone say. "What the fuck do you want?" I asked. "Class starts in 30 minutes." he answered.

"Whateve-" "Laf made waffles." John said. "Okay, okay I'm coming!" BUZZ!

{Group Chat Name} OPERATION DATE 👅 without John 

pegleg: I'm so happy for you two!!! Also I WANT MY STARBUCKS JOHN YOU PROMISED YOU WOULD GET ME SOME!!!! 

SHMULLIGAN: calm down, john got it he's on his way to your place with Alex and Laf

angiebear: Herc, can you meet me in front of the cafe? there is something I want to tell you

SHMULLIGAN: uhhh, you wanna meet me at my dorm cause the guys are out

SHMULLIGAN: I ain't feeling good

angiebear: k be there in 10

pegleg: OK So John loves turtles

spamilton: wow I couldn't tell

pegleg: shut up I used to date him 

spamilton: i've gtg bye pegs

pegleg: bye

John POV

"GUYS!!!! 15 minutes until I pull out-" "That's what she said." said Alex "pull out OF THE DRIVEWAY, so hurry up." I finished glaring at Alex.

"What? I'm dirty okay, but I'm excited to go to class so yeah."

He is so dreamy


(okay maybe some people) 

Herc POV

I was sitting in the bathroom barfing out my guts. So your usual Monday morning. I stood up then started to fall back down until Laf caught me.

"Mon amour, are you sure you want to go to, how you say, school today? You look dead on your feet." he said. I glared at him.

"I'm fine! Just a little-" BARF! 

"Your staying home, for today." Laf said

I glared at him again.

Eliza POV

"PEGGY!!!!!!!!!!!! WHERE DID YOU PUT MY SHOES!?" I asked her while running around the house. 

"I told you, I put them in the closet!" she yelled back. "WHICH ONE!!!!!!!"

"Nevermind! I found them!" I yelled. Buzz Buzz 

(Group Chat Name) THE REVOLUTION

pegleg: who else wants it to be summer?

angiebear: pegs, we literally just started school. Btw don't txt me i'm in history class

lizzycupcake: don't txt me either i'm in class

spamilton: You can txt me. Me and the guys are at Starbucks. Wanna join us?

pegleg: sure be their in a minute

yellowturtle: see you in a sec pegs 

angiebear: cool and all but STOP TEXTING!!!!! Me and Liza are in class and we might get caught on our phones because of you so stop!!!

spamilton: I will

spamilton: if you stop yelling at us

angiebear has left the group chat

John POV

"Hey, Peggy!" I called. I was trying to see if she would find us because the Starbucks we were at was, like, incredibly crowded.

"John! Hi! Sorry, I couldn't find you guys." she said. "It's fine. Guess what I got you!"

"A Caramel Frappuccino with extra caramel sauce and extra whipped cream?" "Yup!" 

"Thanks! Sorry I can't stay I don't want to miss Professor Washington's lecture." she said rolling her eyes.

Alex POV

"WAIT WHAT!! When does his class start?" I asked. "Like in 10 minutes." she said

"I'm gonna be late for his class!" I yelled. "No your not. Come on, his class is right next to Starbucks." she said.

Then we made our way to class.

Washington POV

"Welcome class of (random year in the 2000's)! I am your professor George Washington." 

(We are outgunned outmanned outnumbered outplanned)

"I am proud to announce that we have a new student joining us for his sophomore year is Alexander Hamilton!"

(America sings for you!)

(okay I'm done i'm done)

(I think)

Alex POV

I glared at Washington.

Did he always have to be so formal. I thought

"Okay class open your textbooks to page 394." -(harry potter reference)

I flipped open my book. The Revolution?

"I thought we were in law class not history." Peggy whispered.

"Same." I said.

Helpless: Hamilton UniversityWhere stories live. Discover now