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To: Me! (who else texts you)
From: Superman

Yesterday was fun. :)

To: Superman
From: Me! (who else texts you)

Yeah it was!! Good thing its summer! :D

To: Me! (who else texts you)
From: Superman

Yeaahhh. Haha.

From: Superman

I got a job too btw!!

To: Superman
From: Me! (who else texts you)

Really?? Where??

To: Me! (who else texts you)
From: Superman

The library. Ahahah. But it should be easy. I start on the 30th.

To: Superman
From: Me! (who else texts you)

Oh sweet. Thatll be fun. :) I start at bakery on july 7th i think.

To: Me! (who else texts you)
From: Superman

Well have to hang out lots before the 30th. ;) and on the weekends.

To: Superman
From: Me! (who else texts you)


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