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To: Me! (who else texts you)
From: Superman

School starts in like a week. :(

To: Superman
From: Me! (who else texts you)

I knooow.

From: Me! (who else texts you)

Summer went by too fast.

To: Me! (who else texts you)
From: Superman

Yeah it did. :(

To: Superman
From: Me! (who else texts you)

At least we have all the same classes this year!! Both semesters. Thatll be fun. :)

To: Me! (who else texts you)
From: Superman

Yaaa. thatll be good.haha. Maybe math wont suck so much.

To: Superman
From: Me! (who else texts you)

No promises. :p

To: Me! (who else texts you)
From: Superman


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