Chapter Three

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After reading the letter I wanted to run to the attick and bring down that chest with my name but decided that that could wait and food couldn't. After grocery shopping and putting everything away I decided that I was done for the day so headed upstairs to shower, grab a book and then cook some dinner. While looking for a book I noticed what looked like a diary and decided that I should take a peek.

I sat on the kitchen island with the food on the stove cooking and began to read.

June 3rd 2014

I head out tomorrow on my first deployment and cant help but feel anxious. Mr.Green told me that he would also be there so there is no need to worry, that I could trust him but that didnt do much to calm my nerves.

What did do it though was him talking about Amanda. God the way he describes her, not physically just her personality.

He says she's stubborn but kind and a little head strong and independent but selfless.

He told us a story about her growing up today, he said she would get up at 5 am with him and follow him on his run, he would purposely run slower so that she wouldn't fall behind but fast enough for her to push herself.

He said he found it adorable that she was trying so hard to interact with him that he couldn't send her home or be mad at her. Appeartly he got deployed a few weeks after she started but when he came back he found out she was still doing the run. And that motivated him to train her, it also gave him an excuse to get to know his daughter better and even though he saw she wanted to complain she didnt.

He says shes the only reason he fights to get longer leaves, shes the reason he goes home when he does and shes the reason his planing on opening his house up permanently to some of the guys.

He wants there to always be someone with her, taking care of her and watching her while he cant do it and I honestly cant wait to meet her. She sounds like such an amazing women. He says his sure we could become great friends and I really do hope we can.

And the entry ends there it looks like it wasnt finished so I'm assuming it keeps going on the next page, I get up and serve my food before sitting back down to read.

June 10th 2014

It's been a week of me being here and it hasn't been all that bad. I've keped my self busy, If I'm not out on a job I try and help out or work out on my spare time not giving me time to think.

2 days into being here one of the guys was killed and I saw it all, I saw how the bullet entered and exited his head. It was a clean shot he didnt suffer he didnt get a chance to feel the pain, but I saw it all and I keep seeing it every night when I close my eyes.

His lifeless body on the ground facing me, blood seeping from his head on to the ground. I had told him to wait for me to confirm we were all clear but he didnt want to he said he had more experience than me and he wasnt gonna waist time.

Switching to much lighter subjects.
Today I learn that Amanda doesn't like the Ocean, apparently she almost drown while being a girl and with that she made up her mind that she didnt like the it.

I hope it's no longer true because I love the beach. While the sun is rising or seating and the sky is adorned with all these beautiful and different colors and the beach is quiete. It's nice to sit in the sand with a beer and just watch it all happen.

If I ever get the chance I'll try to convince her and show her all the good things that come from and because of the ocean. If I ever do get the chance to meet her that is.

I decided to leave it at that and head to bed. Desiding to see tomorrow if there was any other name on this.

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