Chapter Four

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It took me a week to decide and bring down the chest that is now sitting open infront of me. There are picture apon pictures of my father and me that I didnt know existed, there are also letters and videos. There are some jewelry and a couple of thing that used to belong to my mother. But again there is one envelope that has only the initials W.T. on it and I really want to read it but its sealed this time. It would be disrespectful on my behalf and I was raised better then that. So theres nothing more to do than to send it out to this guy and hope that is the best move.

Dear Stranger:

     Once again I find myself writing you even with out knowing your name, I pulled down the chest today it took me a week too get to it but I finaly did, and to my surprise it was filled with thing I didnt know I needed to see wich in ways makes me happy and a little sad.

    In these things as you may have already seen was another letter addressed to you or who I'm hoping is you. So again I took the liberty of sending it to you in Hope's that it is well received.

  May I ask you to tell me a little about my fathers time in deployment. Who he was on his time away, was he always strict? Or was he the joking around time? Was he someone with alot of friends? Or was it always business? I tried asking him about it but he always sent me off to do anything but be nosy as he used to put it.

  In return I will tell you about a time that I love and try and relive as much as possible.

  At the time I was maybe 10 and my father had just gotten home, he was to stay 3 months this time and i was very excited to have him around. Me and my mother decided to bake cookies and to celebrate his homecoming while my father rested before dinner. It turns out my dad was not sleeping but filling up some water balloons because in the middle of making our second batch of cookies a water balloon hit my mother on the chest and from there on out all you could see where balloons fly and laughter being heard through the house. The water fight turnd into a flour and egg fight and then into a dance, my parents wedding song started playing on the radio and my father placed me on the counter with some cookies and milk while he waltzed with my mother. Spinning her and dipping her making her smile and giggle through out the whole song.

  Dinner was that day forgotten but I was reminded of  the side to my dad that I loved the most. The loving and fun side, the not so strict army soilder that could let loose and make us laugh the events never repeated themself and I'm thankful for it because it wouldnt have been as special if they did.

   With that I sing off and hope to hear back from you soon.

                                Amanda Green

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