Full Name: Kyle Broflovski
Criminal Record:
Child Abuse: Has kicked his brother, Ike, around like a football numerous times, although Ike somehow avoids getting hurt in each of these instances.
Negligence: In "Cartman Gets an Anal Probe", he leaves Ike behind at the bus stop, resulting in his abduction by Visitors. Kyle spends the rest of the episode trying to get him back. In "Ike's Wee Wee", he puts Ike on a freight train bound for Lincoln, Nebraska, in an attempt to stop his parents from circumcising Ike. Upon arrival, Ike is used as a table stand at a bar there.
False Imprisonment: In "Cartman Gets an Anal Probe", following Wendy's advice, he ties Cartman to a tree, using him as bait to get the Visitors to return to Earth and present an opportunity to rescue Ike. In "Spontaneous Combustion", he and Stan, as part of a passion play at the latter's church, tie Cartman to a cross and place him on top of the nearby hill. Instead of untying him, though, they leave him there, thinking he will die and resurrect, helping to solve his father's impotence somehow.
Filing False Police Report: In "The Wacky Molestation Adventure", he lies to the police about his parents abusing him.
Attempted Murder: In "Death". he tries to help Stan kill his grandfather at the latter's request, as he has lost his will to live. They are unsuccessful in doing so.
Underage Smoking: In "Butt Out", he, Stan, Cartman, and Kenny smoked because they didn't want to be like people that told them how bad smoking was.
Eavesdropping: Along with Stan, secretly records Cartman playing with dolls in "Cartman's Mom is a Dirty Slut". Despite their counselor Mr. Mackey's assurance that this is legal, it is deemed eavesdropping under the law, as it involves secretly recording someone's conversations without their consent, and is thus a crime.
Usage of Illegal Fireworks: At the end of "Summer Sucks", he and Stan use two Tijuana bottle rockets smuggled into the US by Jimbo and Ned to destroy the giant snake firework that is threatening the entire United States. The usage of fireworks of this kind is illegal in the state of Colorado.
Trespassing: In "Chef's Chocolate Salty Balls", he ventures into the sewers to visit Mr. Hankey. In "Cartmanland", he attempts to break into Cartman's theme park, but pops his hemorrhoid trying to get in and is subsequently hospitalized.
Assault: Enraged by Cartman's wasting of money at the Cow Day's festival in "Cow Days", he attacks him. He has also attacked Cartman in numerous other episodes.
Academic Fraud: In "Gnomes", Kyle and his study group (his friends and Tweek) use the essay Tweek's dad wrote for them. This is academic fraud, because they are claiming they created a piece of academic work that they did not write.
Burglary: In "Prehistoric Ice Man", he breaks into Dr. Mephesto's laboratory and frees Larry.
Assault / Fighting: In "Prehistoric Ice Man", he gets into a dispute with Stan over Larry's name (he calls him "Steve", Stan calls him "Gorak") which ultimately culminates in a brawl at the train station.Conspiracy to Commit Treason: In "Chinpokomon", he gets caught up in the Chinpokomon fad. As a result, he is brainwashed by the Japanese into launching an attack on Pearl Harbor, but is stopped from doing so by his parents use of reverse psychology and (contradictory) words of wisdom from Stan.
Use of Weapons of Mass Distruction / Manslaughter: In "World Wide Recorder Concert", in an effort to show up the New York kids at Yoko Ono's recorder concert, he and and his friends alter their song sheets to contain the brown note, so when the New York kids play their music, they will lose bowel control, soiling their pants and humiliating them. However, the organizers discover the revized sheet, believing that it is for the entire performance, resulting in the fake sheet music being distributed to every single child at the concert. As a result, the brown note - backed by the lungs of over four million American third-graders - is heard throughout the world, with disasterous consequences and, in at least one case, loss of life. The Boys did, however, succeed in impressing the New York kids.