"No Homo"... Yep

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TG: hey john
TG: you back from talking with sour ass?
EB: are you back from talking with blind batshit?
EB: i can make clever jokes too...heh
TG: sorry bro but those were lame
TG: i think it's safe to say that i should be the only one allowed to do that
EB: aw come on dave, you're no fun
TG: false
TG: i am so fun
TG: i lay sick rhymes; make hella rad comics and im just naturally awesome
TG: and you sit in your room obsessing over nick cage and matt maconahey movies
TG: thats not the only thing i love...
TG: *cough* i mean...
TG: what
EB: umm...
EB: right.
TG: sorry that was weird
TG: but speaking of which i kinda wanna talk to you
TG: about vriska
EB: why? i already told you i didn't like her.
TG: you sure? if you did, i wouldnt really mind
TG: i mean bros tell each other everything
TG: right?
EB: definitely, this is why I need to tell you something about myself
EB: im, uhh... well, not exactly straight...? I'm bisexual...
TG: oh
TG: so wait
TG: when you say no homo
TG: you still mean no homo
EB: not unless you don't want me to mean it
TG: ...
TG: dude
TG: if you could see my face right now
TG: im about as red as the text I use
EB: heheheh i'd be lying if I said I wasn't either
TG: i know
TG: youre kinda cute when you dont know what to say
EB: :O oh? is that right?
TG: yeah thats fuckin right
TG: john egbert is so cute it hurts
TG: and i
TG: i love him
EB: aw dave
EB: well
EB: dave strider is extremely attractive and he tells lame jokes
EB: but i love him too ;)
TG: wow
TG: my jokes are not lame
EB: yes they are and so are you
TG: ouch im hurt
EB: you want me to kiss it better?
TG: possibly...i wouldnt mind
EB: goodnight dave <3
EB: i love you
TG: love you too nerd

(TG ceased pestering EB)

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