1. The Fight

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Ellie's POV

Being a mother is a very hard job. To do my work as a psychologist and balancing it with house stuff like doing chores, making sure everyone is at the right place at the right time, taking care of my husband, John and the worse, taking care of my children Trey and Sabrina. I thought maybe they wouldn't fight like they did cause they are now teenagers. But in turn they have conflicts that take forever to solve.

Anyway I have to focus on cooking. I started frying the chicken for dinner and John came running down the staircase. He had blackheads under his green eyes and had very long black hair.

John "I did it! I did it! I finally finished my novel. I will just go and publish the book."

I said "At this time?"

John "Yeah! Why is it problem?"

I said "Yeah it's too late!"

John "Then why aren't they kids home?"

I replied  "They are at school trying for tryouts."

John "So late!!! You know what I am gonna check on those guys."

I said "You are not going now to publish your book!"

John "But......( I stared him.) Fine!

I could hear the children arguing. The entered in. Sabrina was sweating like a pig, her long brown hair was soaked in sweat and her brown eyes were filled with anger. While Trey was looking perfect from his blond hair to brown eyes until his sneakers.

Before they argue more, I ordered "Sabrina, go take a bath. John go and have some sleep and Trey help to cook food."

Everyone said "But......" but after watching me staring them, they went to do their work y that was assigned to them. Everyone came back soon and I asked patiently "Why are you arguing today? " Both of them started speaking together that it was impossible to hear what they said.

I said "Both of you one by one."

Sabrina "Okay, mom you know how much I loved basketball so I tried to get in the basketball team. But the captain said I am a girl so I cannot be on the team. And instead of helping me to get on the team Mr. Perfect here was telling me that I can't be on the team."

Trey "Uh...Yeah. It's right because the rule book says that there can only be one captain and some men. I don't really know the number. And you are not a man."

Sabrina "But things can change. Dad has written himself in his book!"

John "Sweetie please don't bring me in this fight."

Trey "But dad hasn't written the book of basketball."

I was surprised to hear that there is even a thing like 'book of basketball'. They continued.

Sabrina "I am talking about changing things!"

Trey "Just shut up! Okay, Justin was right! You girls don't care about basketball. You just say big things and do nothing. He has experienced it a million times."

Sabrina "Just because one mango is rotten it does not mean others are too."

Silence fell in the room. Trey tried to speak something but Sabrina cut him off in middle.

Sabrina "You haven't done anything good for me as a brother till now. I thought you may be a good guy who loves everyone his friends and his family. But you just care about your friends."

Trey "You aren't such a wonderful sister either you know! All you care about is basketball!"

I was tired of all this and I had lost my temper. So, I shouted at both of them.

I said "Okay! Everyone is telling each other their flaws. So, I will not lack behind. You two are not getting along even when you both have teens after me and your dad pass away all you both will have is each other. I mean get along what is hard. I would glad if I was a teenager. The lives of teenagers are so easy."

Suddenly, many blue, pink and purple light fell on me and John. I was so scared, I closed my eyes. After sometime, I heard Sabrina and Trey screaming. I opened my eyes and saw John looking exact same as he used to look.

I said "Wow! Looks like those lights have made me a little blind or messing with my head cause I can see your father the way he used to look in his teen life."

Trey "Well that must have happened with us too."

Sabrina "Mom, you look young too."

I was shocked. I asked "What?!"

Sabrina took me near the mirrior and I saw I had my short blonde hair instead of my long brown hair with red highlights which I had dyed. My green eyes too looked so innocent.

Trey "How did this happened?"

John "Guys, whatever it is it happens for reason"

Sabrina "Dad please don't start your cheesy quotes!"

John "What I am trying to say is that maybe it all happened, so that we can show you teen life can be fun."

Trey "Teen life and fun! Come on dad those words can't go together."

Sabrina "I can't believe I am saying this but big mouth is right."

I was thinking John had a great point so decided how to make use of it.

I said "Guys, your dad is right." Trey and Sabrina sighed but I continued. "And to make use of these bodies is to go your school-" Trey and Sabrina started arguing, so, I raised my voice. "That is enough! You now go to sleep."  They didn't leave and just stared at me. I said "Go! Now!" And they finally left.

I then turned to John "I never thought I would say this but, we should go to sleep we don't wanna be late for school tomorrow."

I never thought this would be how the day will end.

Hey guys,
I am Prarthana Shetty. This is my first time I've ever wrote a book. So, it must not be that great. But, I do hope I would do good later. I will love to know your opinions about the story and the plot.
Thank you guys so much.

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