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Lisa had a soft spot for museums–The tangible aesthetics, the emotions hidden through each pieces of art, and the overall feel of the whole space occupied by various colorful and monochromatic works; it was so serene, so calming and a breath of fresh air from the suffocating world outside of these thin walls.

With the strap of her camera around her neck, lens on her right hand and left hand tucked in her pocket, she wandered through the various halls presented to her line of vision, admiring each artwork she passed by,

but nothing ever compared to the man who walked beside her.

Call her whipped or whatever, but in her defense, who wouldn't be if  they stand in close proximity of THE Kim Taehyung?

Taehyung had the same instrument in his hands, but his eyes found its way to the viewfinder, snapping photos of everything his lenses can get ahold of.

Once or twice did he made Lisa stop walking to take a photo of her, and the same was done by Lisa. They were fooling around with their common hobby–photography, and for sure they have good photos of not only them and the white walled aesthetics, but also for the rest of their company as well. 

Except for Jennie and Yoongi, who kept on disappearing.

"Lisa-ssi! Sit here," He commanded excitedly, patting a seat in front of a painting. Lisa complied without any hesitation, posing like the model that she was, as if she was in a real photoshoot.

Taehyung was mesmerized at her sudden change in aura whenever she faced the camera. The duality was surreal. 

"If I worked as a photographer rathen than an idol, I would exchange my soul to have you pose for me." Lisa laughed at Taehyung's remark, an idea popping into her mind.

"Paint me like one of your french girls," She sighed, her wrist meeting her forehead, dramatically lifting her thighs to cross and her eyes closing in the process. Taehyung didn't stop capturing each movement she made, having that famous boxy smile on display as he did so.

"Look at those two." Jennie pointed to the two ambassadors of Celine. "Now what am I going to do without Lisa as my photographer."

"Let me remind you that this was your idea," Yoongi reminded her, earning an eye roll from Jennie.

"I'm not saying I regret it, oppa." She defended. "but my photos would look nicer if she took them,"

"Are you seriously judging my photography skills?" He asked exasperatedly.

"No tea, no shade." She countered, walking faster so that she could catch up with her other members. Yoongi was left behind but he doesn't complain, now he had time to take in all the artworks and maybe draw an inspiration for a new song. 

He glanced over to Jennie who had her head fall back from something Jisoo had said. He automatically smiled at the sight of her. How did he get so damn lucky?

He then glanced back to the younger pair, both too engrossed with the images on their cameras, standing side by side. They would constantly peak at the cameras when one tried to show the other a photo and they would smile or laugh, whichever fit the photo being focused on.

"and he found love in the city of love," He hummed under his breath like a lyric of an uncomposed music he has yet to write.

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