Chapter 22: Keel of Heavenly Waters (Part 2)

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"Chris?" Cassie spoke softly as she kneeled beside him. When she rubbed his hair from his forehead, his gaze began its search for her.

He gave her a dazed smile. It withered once he noticed a stranger with wings beside her. His body stiffened. He lifted his head and tried to get a hand and arm beneath his body weight.

"It's all right." With a touch to the side of his head, Cassie guided him back to a state of rest on the blanket. "He's my uncle . . . on my father's side," she added to offset the confusion and panic in his eyes. "And, fortunately, he's a medical doctor. He's here to help you."

Chris inclined his head for a better look. He concentrated on Leo's face for a few tense moments. When he closed his eyes, he nodded his assent and set his head back on the blanket.

His hand fumbled to find hers. Cassie ended his search, her hand squeezing his, while Leo gave him an injection. She would not let go, even once he drifted away from the consciousness it would take to notice.

Once Chris was deeply asleep, Leo disinfected the wound and began removing Chris's stitches with his expert hands and precise surgical instruments. After further snipping, cleaning, and draining, he threaded his needle and began reclosing the wound with the shiny white unicorn hair. Shimmering and rippling through the air as he worked, it looked both magical and weightless.

Cassie's eyes remained fixed on Chris's features—in sleep, so peaceful, innocent, and beautiful—but she was also aware that Leo was occasionally glancing up from his work to smile upon her attachment.

"He looks like his father. Does the resemblance transcend his appearance?"

Cassie's bandaged hand stroked his jaw line. "I never saw it that way. . . ."

She tilted her head, studying every curve and shadow of his face, and raked her fingers through his golden hair, tucking some of it behind his ear. It was longer than he used to keep it, and lighter too, and it had a slight wave to it. It suited him better that way, she believed.

"For the most part, Chris recognizes my strengths and has never dwelled upon my weaknesses. Scott and I, on the other hand . . . maybe it was because I failed to see Chris in him or he couldn't see past my outward resemblance to my mother. Or did he merely perceive me to be a source of conflict between two brothers? I don't know. The exact reason for our disinclination no longer matters. And if Scott MacRae is dead, then I shall not speak ill of him. He was a remarkable leader during a very difficult time and transition. For that, I am grateful."

"Many of us have a high regard for our princess's contributions as well. And for anyone who did not recognize your potential, perhaps it is because you have yet to reach it. You now have an opportunity to see more of the world, and discover for yourself what works and what doesn't. If you decide to return to Pyxis, I have no doubt you'll have strong allies at your side and a clever campaign to take back what is rightfully yours from your tyrant of a mother."

Cassie laughed and raised her eyes to the heavens she could not see. "It would take nothing short of a miracle to reclaim my birthright."

"You are among the most intelligent and gifted of all fantastical creatures. Anything is possible, my dear."

Leo spread a thick yellow ointment on Chris's newly stitched wound. His work was clean, professional, finished within minutes, and Chris didn't feel a thing. He covered the area with gauze and secured it with adhesive tape.

"When do you think he'll be on his feet again?" Cassie asked.

"That's really up to him. He's stronger than most. My guess is that on the morrow he'll be well enough for some light traveling."

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