Made In Abyss

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I chose this for my first recommendation because...

It's my favourite anime!

Plot description

In the town of Orth, exists The Abyss. Nobody really knows what exactly it is or why it's there. In Orth, the cave raiders go into the Abyss to find its treasures. An orphan girl named Riko is among them.

One day, she received a letter from her mother, a legendary cave raider, Lyza the Anialator, who went into the depths 10 years ago but never returned.

"At the bottom of the Abyss, I'll be waiting."

Riko then makes the decision to go into the Abyss to find her long-lost mother, along with her robot friend, Reg.


Fantasy, adventure, supernatural, mystery, horror


Excellent. Plain and simple perfetion.

The plot is very well-rounded. It keeps you in constant anticipation, on the edge of your seat.

The animation and environments in the Abyss and Orth is very good. It's more on the cutesy side, but don't be fooled. It's dark as... I'll stop there to avoid spoilers.

The characters have been well developed and they all have very unique personalities.

Though, it may not be for everyone, it's a really good anime that really gets the viewer emotionally involved.

You can sympathise with the characters and really get to understand them well, once again, thanks to the amazing character development they hit you with throughout the series.

Length: 13 episodes | 1 recap movie | 1 movie sequel (to be released)

Age rating: 12 for violence (blood)

Personal rating: 10/10

Really... You should watch it.

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