Part 4

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"You done hiding now?" Noah asked as I made myself a sandwich.

"I wasn't hiding" I lied.

"look, about last week" he said.

"please don't, I get the message" I held up my hand stopping him.

"No listen. I was rude" he stated.


"You can't blame me, you never talk to anyone at school or attend any parties or events" he explained.

"have you ever invited me to a party?" I asked.


"Have you ever invited me to an event?"

"no but"

"No buts. Just because I never attended didn't mean I didn't want to. However, me not attending a party where people get drunk and sleep around does not make me a snob. It makes me a poor girl who cant afford to slip up or her future would be ruined" I said bluntly.

Noah looked almost sad for a moment.

"so you see, I only ever spoke when I was spoken to because you and your friends made it very clear just who rules the school and I was okay with that" I said grabbing my plate off the table,

"wait" Noah said, "You never dated anyone from school either" he said as if it was his saving grace.

"Did you ever ask me out on a date?" silence.

"Exactly. neither has anyone else. Please don't try and excuse your shitty behaviour" I said leaving the kitchen.

Prom was Saturday and that meant all that was spoken about in class was exactly that. Grades were a big factor at this school so it wasn't much of a distraction. Most students studied for hours after school. It was required of such a top school. It was peaceful chaos for me.

"Will you tell me what color your dress is? Mine is white" Loren asked eagerly.

"Mine is blue" I answered.

"aah, you're going to look so beautiful would you like to dress together?" she asked. No jokes just simple Loren.

I didn't have to think twice. "I would love that" I said honestly.

Lorens smile was contagious so I found myself smiling like a fool. And I could feel the intensity of his gaze before I saw it. As our eyes locked I was graced with another one of Noah's dimpled smile.

My heart pounded against my rib cage as his golden eyes locked with mine.

"So Anna, I head you don't have a date for Prom?" Matthew asked Anna in first period. I can Imagine how shocked everyone was. Not only was Matthew unpopular but he was the only kid on scholarship.

"I do have a date not that its any of your business" Anna said laughing, Christopher joining her.

"who is your date if I might ask?" he asked.

"see. You don't have a date" he said happily, by now everyone was listening.

Anna looked at Noah embarrassed but he didn't save her. He didn't say he would be her date as he had always been. Were they no longer dating? Just then he looked at me with the most serious expression. It could mean a million different things but I only knew what I wanted it to mean.

That afternoon my room was filled with dresses. All blue. In the middle of my room turned boutique stood my mother. She had a small smile gracing her perfect face. I knew that my dresses would be arriving soon but I didn't expect her to accompany it.

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