Part 6

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Daniels P.O.V

"One more" Anna said and we stood together for another picture. I was used to it and I knew how important it was to her so I went along with it. She looked flawless tonight as she always does.

"wow" we all heard Adam say and followed his line of vision. He was looking at Rania.

My breath caught in my throat at the sight of her. she was wearing a silk blue gown that covered all of her but showed more of her figure than id ever seen. Her hair fell loosely over her shoulders with a blue headband the color of her dress and the only jewelry she was wearing was a simple diamond necklace place in-between..

She was beautiful.

Her huge hazel eyes met mine and she smiled. She smiled her heart stopping smile I loved since she first moved here. Then she looked at Adam and her cheeks turned a shade darker as she took his hand. He placed a white corsage on her wrist. It was the same one he gave her a few days ago, the day I wanted to hurt him in so many ways and the first time in forever I almost hated Anna.

Rania was supposed to be mine tonight. We were finally getting closer than just whatever we were. I knew she felt a bit of what I felt too the moment she asked me if I had ever asked her out on a date. Always so blunt and to the point. Everyone was so wrong about her.

"you look beautiful" Adam said and her blush deepened.

"thank you" she said shyly, "you look handsome" she said honestly. Always kind.

"she looks okay" Anna said next to me with a chuckle. I hadn't the energy to argue with her about her bitchiness today.

"Picture?" Adam asked and placed his arm around her waist while Mrs. Sanchez takes a picture of her daughter. Seeing them together was the only thing I didn't need tonight. I didn't like the way I was feeling about someone who clearly was too good for me.

"group photo" Mrs Sanchez said and I stood next to Adam as we got close for a picture.

"one more of Daniel and Rania, I practically saw these two grow up in my kitchen" he smiled proudly.

Rania looked at me uncomfortably then smiled nonetheless. Anna reluctantly let go of me with a scowl on her face.

"lets do this clown" she teased and stood next to me.

she smelled of fresh lavender and I had to fight the urge to put my face in her neck. She placed her arm around my waist and smiled to the camera.

She was always confident and smiling even when she was sad. i never saw her look at someone the wrong way even when I knew she was having a bad day. Even when I was being a dick for no reason.

I held her protectively and wished I could do this more often. My smile grew wider when her dad asked for a picture with us so I got to feel her in my arms for a little longer before she went back to Adam. Anna grabbed me tightly as if I was going to run somewhere.

He was a nice guy, I couldn't even hate him. I wanted to kill him, but I couldn't hate him.

"Have fun but not too much fun, Daniel make sure she is home in one piece" her father said on our way out.

I smirked as she rolled her eyes. Even Adam just laughed; he wasn't even one bit worried about us. Now I hated him.

Anna's P.O.V

The car ride was easy. The awkwardness back at my mom's place was beginning to get too much.

"and do you drink?" Adam asked, "because you don't strike me as a girl who does"

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